Help!!! Eating on the Road.

I'm on the road this entire weekend and really need some tips trying to figure out the right food choices to make? Any tips would be appreciated!


  • HappyMeLovely
    HappyMeLovely Posts: 134 Member
    Here are some things that I have done while on long drives:
    #! Buy an ice chest, fill it with ice, and keep it in the back seat if possible. It also helps to keep a small ice chest with waters and snacks in the front.
    Wash some baby carrots, celery, bell peppers and put them in a bowl in the ice chest, you can just grab and snack while driving if need be. Really, you can bring disposable utensils and plates and make yourself some salads.
    Get some canned tuna, salmon, or chicken for protein on said salads.
    Nuts and beef jerky are also helpful. Just about any fruit is portable, just pre-wash it and store it appropriately.
    You can also pre-make some sandwiches and have that, too.
    I hope that helps, good luck!

    ETA: I forgot to mention that Chic-Fil-A has grilled nuggets and lemonade made with splenda! LOL That is my go to when I am on the road and want a hot meal.