Losing weight is soso confusing HeLP! ; (

Ok for starters I'm a 5'2 female and I weight 153. I would LOVE to be 120lbs. I work out from anywhere to 30 min to 2 hours a day and during that time it's expected that I can burn anywhere from eeeh 300-800 calories. For the last month or so the scale has NOT MOVED. Yesterday I discovered the scale wasn't moving because I wasn't eating enough! (Same old story that everyone has heard, i'm sure!) So I bumped up my calorie intake to 1400 a day.... Now here's where the problem starts.

My BMR is roughly 1400. And I've been reading it's bad to eat under that or else your body holds onto it, right? (I mean..right?)

How many calories should I be grossing a day? Working out today alone I shaved off 400, so I'm netting about 1000 right now.

That's bad, isn't it? Or is that ok? I'd love to lose 2lbs per week and I have absolutely no clue what I should be grossing and netting if I want to make that possible.

Any help on what exactly I should be netting/grossing to make my goal of 2lbs a week possible would be SOOOO appreciated this is all confusing!!


  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    On MFP you are supposed to eat your BMR plus your exercise calories but because the exercise calories aren't always correct some people opt to eat 1/2 to 3/4 of them instead.
  • missmegan831
    missmegan831 Posts: 824 Member
    First of all... lets not rush things.... you can do one of two things... you can enter your activity as sedentary and then count your exercise calories and eat them/part of them back or you can figure out your TDEE -15-20% and use that as a base line goal per day ... I would suggest setting your goal to lose a pound a week... you didnt gain the weight overnight so its known to be more maintainable to lose it without cutting your calories back so much you cant manage it. Plus with the amount of exercise you say you are doing per day you will need more than 1000 calories net per day.

    ETA: this site keeps things simple i you need help finding out your TDEE without a bunch of math

  • ravenrainchild
    ravenrainchild Posts: 22 Member
    ...You just saved me so much headache, thank yOU!