ideas on what to eat so i am not in starvation mode

I have been eating what I have normally been eating. Which was two pieces of toast no butter with jam lunch peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Dinner meat with either pasta, potatoes, or rice. Now I have been doing protein shakes after a workout. 1 or 2 eggs. For a snack I eat raisins or beef jerky or fruits and vegetables. Still have the same dinner. By the end of the day I am still looking for calories so th a t I am not in starvation mode which I never lose any weight that way. I have a very limited budget for food please help


  • herblackwings39
    herblackwings39 Posts: 3,930 Member
    I won't comment on starvation mode, but you can eat anything you like. Just keep it within your calorie goal. If you're not getting close to it use full fat dairy and non-diet foods (if you have been using light/non-fat).
  • wamydia
    wamydia Posts: 259 Member
    I won't comment on starvation mode, but you can eat anything you like. Just keep it within your calorie goal. If you're not getting close to it use full fat dairy and non-diet foods (if you have been using light/non-fat).

    I second this, and also would add that you might want to try getting into some higher calorie snacks. Nuts, hummus, (non low fat) greek yogurt, and cheese of any kind are all healthy snacks that will eat up some of your calories.
  • gmallan
    gmallan Posts: 2,099 Member
    Eat above your BMR and below your TDEE and you'll be fine. I noticed from your sample menu that you don't seem to eat many veggies. Maybe consider adding some veggies in with your dinner and having a sandwich with lean protein and salad. Also if you have some protein (like eggs) with your brekkie it'll help you stay fuller
  • jackiebertram65
    I would strongly recommend you add vegetables to your diet. Try a new one every week, celery stuffed with your peanut butter at lunch would be filling and less carbs and calories than peanut butter and bread. Celery stuffed with peanut butter makes a great snack too. I tried kale, didn't know if I would like it. Sautéed some onion and garlic then added the chopped kale, it sautéed and steamed at the same time and it was delicious, VERY FILLING and low in calories. GOOD LUCK !
  • seliinac
    seliinac Posts: 336 Member
    I'd be adding lots more veggeis, too. If you eat them steamed with butter then the butter adds more calories. And cottage cheese can be a nice snack, too, if you're in need of more calcium and protein. For breakfast make sure you add some protein in as well.