Apartment grilling recommendations

My food plan includes a substantial lean towards lean meats. I prefer them grilled, especially while its still warm and I don't want to heat up my oven or stand over the stovetop. My apartment, however, doesn't permit an outdoor grill. I have a George Foreman held over from my post-college days, but its a PIA to clean and I'm wondering if anybody is using anything better, or that may deliver that "grilled" taste.
Thanks in advance!


  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    A toaster oven with a broiler pan or pan with a rack will accomplish the same thing. The only true flavor you get from a grill requires either really high heat or smoke from briquettes. Neither of these can be achieved with any indoor small kitchen appliance including a GF grill.

    If you want less mess just get a grilling frying pan. It doesn't fit your criteria of avoiding the stove top but I am not sure why that is a factor.
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,426 Member
    I have a 2 burner size cast iron griddle that is flat on one side and has ridges on the other side. It is not really more fun to care for than my George Foreman grill and uses your stove.
    I'm not sure there is any indoor thing that will give you the taste of an outdoor grill without fire being involved.
  • COGypsy
    COGypsy Posts: 1,190 Member
    I'm an apartment dweller too--when I want something grilled, I usually just order in meat by the pound from a BBQ place. It tastes better than whatever I can rig together, requires zero clean up and lasts several days depending on how much you order.
  • FireOpalCO
    FireOpalCO Posts: 641 Member
    Check out the Griddler by Cuisinart. The plates come out and go into the dishwasher. It also lays flat so you can use both surfaces at once and they are reversible (one side grill, one side flat). Some models also take waffle plates (sold separately).

    I had the basic one in the past but now I have the Griddler Elite where I can make the two sides two different temperatures (and set exact temps), which is really nice for something like breakfast: pancakes on one side, sausages on the other.
  • Jthanmyfitnesspal
    Jthanmyfitnesspal Posts: 3,521 Member
    In winter, I use s stove top cast iron grill for steaks and chops. Once the meat is seared on the stove top, the whole thing goes in the oven. I watch the temperature like a hawk and pull it out -10deg from the perfect goal. Very tasty.
  • L1zardQueen
    L1zardQueen Posts: 8,754 Member
    I own a Sous Vide(this one https://instantpot.com/portfolio-item/accu-sous-vide-slim-faq/) have cooked steaks twice in it. I finished them off in a very hot pan for a few minutes. The jury is still out for me.