Grrrrr...Any menopausal weight loss advice?



  • LeanButNotMean44
    LeanButNotMean44 Posts: 852 Member
    I hear ya! I've been through menopause and I'm rapidly approaching 60! The good news is you can still lose weight and staying fit in your 50's, 60's and beyond! But it definitely takes more CONSISTENCY and a bit of a different approach from when I was a young kid in my 40's ;) I was the queen of the cardio bunnies back in the day! And that's all I needed to look and feel good. Then BAM, the 50's hit and everything shifted, things got soft and jiggly and let's not even talk about the mid-section! :s No amount of cardio bunny-ing or 'dieting' would help. Oh sure I'd lose a few, then gain a few, and still looked soft and squishy. It took re-educating myself about fitness (which I was pretty sure I knew all about lol) to start making the changes I needed. WEIGHTS ladies, strength training, body weight exercises!!! And did I mention weights! Lift weights that challenge you. As we age we lose muscle mass. And aint' nobody losing muscle mass as fast as a hot flashing pre-menopause woman. Building muscle will help boost that metabolism. Eat well, watch your portions, track your calories, lift some weights and stay consistent and you will see changes. Feel free to send a friend request ladies.

    RIGHT ON!!!! 👍👍👍

  • MTciesielski
    MTciesielski Posts: 3 Member
    I lost 40 lbs right around the time I turned 50. Have kept 35 of it off for 3 years. I started lifting heavy weights. Hired a trainer to make sure my form was right. I now use lifting more in a class atmosphere - because that's what I enjoy and the budget allows. I do very little cardio by itself - but incorporate it into the weight sessions.

    I also switched from straight calorie counting to tracking the macros - proteins, carbs, fats. I found that by changing that around, my body changed. I didn't necessarily lose weight, but lost size.
  • earlnabby
    earlnabby Posts: 8,171 Member
    edited October 2018

    Are we just destined to struggle after age 50?

    Nope. I find weight loss much easier post-menopause (just turned 62 and last period was 10 years ago). My weight doesn't fluctuate as much, the lack of hormone swings keeps my brain on a more even keel, I don't have nearly as many food cravings, and I don't have any more cramps so there are no more days where it is uncomfortable to exercise.

    Menopause DOES change how fat is distributed but it doesn't have nearly as much effect on calorie burns as people think.

  • josiereside1
    josiereside1 Posts: 199 Member
    I lost 40 lbs right around the time I turned 50. Have kept 35 of it off for 3 years. I started lifting heavy weights. Hired a trainer to make sure my form was right. I now use lifting more in a class atmosphere - because that's what I enjoy and the budget allows. I do very little cardio by itself - but incorporate it into the weight sessions.

    I also switched from straight calorie counting to tracking the macros - proteins, carbs, fats. I found that by changing that around, my body changed. I didn't necessarily lose weight, but lost size.

    Macros and hitting the weights are key!! Although I am a runner and won't give up my 3 day a week runs. I just alternate that with the weight days! The scale may not be moving much for me but the tape measure is and my body is changing in a good way. I had a rough year with 3 surgeries in 3 months, the second of which was an emergency colostomy and then followed by a colostomy reversal. I have been through hell and back. My abdomen will probably forever be distorted but I am seeing it improve in appearance with continued, albeit slow, weight loss.
  • GeauxL
    GeauxL Posts: 57 Member
    I went through menopause last year; within that time I lost 100+lbs. I still have about 10-15 to go & these last 10-15 are moving like molasses in the winter time. I’ve been losing/gaining the same 1-3lbs since around July. I do HITT cardio, weight lift, & walk 4-5 days a week, I measure my portions, try to keep my “free” days down to once a week & most days, I stay under my calorie goal. Today I weighed myself & I lost a lb doing the exact same thing I had done the week before & gained a pound. I do notice that even though the scale doesn’t always move, I am noticing some body changes, especially since I started doing weights. So I try not to get frustrated, try to keep telling myself I’m doing the right things & eventually it will show up on the scale, & that the last few pounds are always the hardest. But it is frustrating & I can’t help but think that menopause has thrown a monkey wrench in my success.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,139 Member
    Update: I started logging again and it has helped a ton! Ok, not a ton, but it has helped 2.5 pounds, so yes, working. Thanks for all the feedback guys! I'm increasing fruits and veggies and cutting more junk out. I'm not logging super precisely, but it has been enough to make me more aware of how many calories I need and how many I'm eating.

    I've started logging again too because I want to drop a few kg to be able to run and cycle a bit easier. :)
  • orangequilt
    orangequilt Posts: 4,293 Member
    I'm struggling with this at the moment, just turned 50 and at my heaviest ever weight, feeling encouraged after reading your stories!! x
  • karenlong7
    karenlong7 Posts: 15 Member
    I'm 51, post-menopausal and have lost 136 pounds in the last 8 1/2 months. I'm 9 pounds from my goal weight. Cut your carbs and up your protein.
  • hm07310
    hm07310 Posts: 3 Member
    Great advice! Trying to get at least 10k steps daily, treadmill, weights x3 days week and yoga at least once. Have slacked off need to get back on track. Any advice on weights, reps etc?
  • BreezyWerner
    BreezyWerner Posts: 24 Member
    I will be 51 in early November. I am peri-menopausal. I have always had issues with hormone imbalance. I packed on the weight. Things finally started shifting for me in June. I have lost 31 pounds. Have another 20 something to go.
    Here is what helped:
    Hired a trainer that I see every month when she gives me a new lift plan.
    Lifting heavy and hard three days a week.
    Get in 250 to 300 minutes of cardio a week in my zone.
    Track everything I eat, before I eat it. MFP has been such a blessing because it makes it so easy to track calories and macros.
    No soda and lots of water.
    Eat as clean as possible. Once I got over the sugar and bread addiction, cravings stopped.

    My husband and daughter and gym goers have been so positive, so develop a good support system. Doesn’t have to be tons of people, just a few.

    Find your “why”.