returning pal

I am trying this tracker again. I am determined to stop yo-yoing and to write down EVERYTHING I eat. No more cheating on what I write, because I am only cheating myself. I need encouragement y'all, and I am going to try sticking to a plant and seafood diet and not a see food diet. LOL! I have nothing against meat, but maybe shaking it up will help. I will try to share any recipes that I come across that are tasty (try because I like to experiment and may not remember what I did :) )Thank you to anyone who can share a recipe or just some encouragement. My goal is to get to a size 12 from a size 16W (Yep, I put that our there). Have a great day, Erin.


  • Adele_D
    Adele_D Posts: 4,154 Member
    Hey Erin! You can do this! Change your mindset and your body will follow. Remember while food is pleasurable its really for fuel so think about it that way and it helps change your mind and choices