The Men Who Made Us Thin

I posted this as a response in the Men Who Made Us Fat thread.... thought it might be interesting in its own right,

Wait til you see The Men Who Made us THIN

The actuary who invented BMI so his company could avoid insuring people who had the temerity to die early - totally arbitrary numbers still used to day. Only accurate ish if you are 25, very fit and active and relatively slim.... but hey, use those numbers for 6 and 60 year olds.

The Slimfast man... same as the Weight Watchers.... we only have a business because of repeat customers - you should be able to see the flaw, from the customers pov. The FDA had to step in and beg people to see their doctors when the first meal replacement meal came out - the clip was not amusing. Slimfast and WWatchers now owned by food manufacturers and investment portfolio's alll round the world! They take billions in profits every year - they like us fat!

Atkins and Dukan... don't go there! They still make me angry and Dukan just looked and sounded like and idiot.

A PROPER explanation about the Minnesota Project's findings - if you don't know watch the programme and hear the physiological reasons why ALL diets make your weight bounce back (the study was scary, you may be shocked at what they actually did).

And listen for the stats.... less than 16% of people on WW are succesful in the long term. None of those diets are intended for the long term. ALL are focussed on a quick hit, a weight bounce and a return. That is what THEY say, well the business end does, the frontline evangelists disagree!

The argument that the product is to help you lose weight, it does not fail YOU DO.... that is their sales pitch.

Sadly that is what the Minnesota Project showed them.... if you lose weight your body looks to return the weight and once you start you cannot stop. It is obvious really. A short term (less than lifetime) diet will help you lose weight but as soon as you stop dieting you will return to your old habits - especially if your diet does not teach you new ones - and oh look! The weight will come back on. Obvious really, fat cells are numerous and hungry beasties.

Forget about the sugar conspiracy, calorie vs calorie etc. Once you are overweight you are overweight. There is no quick fix, 30 day shred, drop a dress size in 10 days, meal replacements, points, sins and all of those others will NOT work. Once you are overweight only eternal vigilance and persistence will keep the weight off.

That is why we must choose a permanent life change over a diet! Easy really :-D

So choose your diet carefully. If you like WW, Slimfast, etc remember you will have to continue forever.... so choose something you like, doesn't make you paranoid, obssessed or skint.

And good luck to us, one and all :D