How to no lose hope?

We all know intellectually , if we eat healthy and workout we will lose weight. We know we just have to be patient and consistent, to see result.

But why do we self sabotage all the time , how to stay motivated even if you slip up. Why are am I staying in the way of achieving my goals ?


  • SandyH2015
    SandyH2015 Posts: 95 Member
    I think we self sabotage for a variety of reasons but as far as slipping up what I do is forgive myself, remind myself of all the reasons I am on this journey and make a plan to undo the damage. For example, if I know that my slip up included excess sodium I might ensure that the next day is a lower sodium day and drink extra water. In otherwords, I hold myself accountable (including tracking everything), own it and keep moving forward because sitting in it wallowing about my slip will not get me any closer to my goals. Best of luck ❤
  • 88olds
    88olds Posts: 4,534 Member
    edited September 2018
    How much do you need to lose to make goal?

    Are you keeping a food diary? Are you planning each day and each week?

    How aggressive is your calorie deficit? How restrictive is healthy eating to you?

    Motivation is unreliable. It comes and goes. Work on developing good habits.
  • Millicent3015
    Millicent3015 Posts: 374 Member
    If 'healthy' means 'restriction' to you, you may lose interest, become bored or frustrated with what you're eating. You don't have to eat healthy or work out to lose weight. You need to eat a balanced diet at a consistent calorie deficit. You also have to be in the mindset to want to lose weight. If you're sabotaging yourself, it suggests you may be afraid of change. You will have to do things differently. You may get treated differently, get more attention, or be expected to become a different person. All these things are scary, and sometimes it's less scary to stay in the unhelpful situation you're in. It may be that you're afraid of success, or afraid of failure. It may be that you're simply not ready to make changes. Whatever your reasons for sabotaging yourself, you have to figure out why you do it, and figure out how to get out out of your own way so you can progress on your weight loss journey.
  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,179 Member
    We all know, well, we should all know, that if we eat a healthy variety of nutritious food within our daily calorie budget and consistently stay within that budget we will eventually reach the weight which is supported by that calorie budget. I spent 54 years eating enough to be at a much higher weight. I can wait 2 or 3 years to get to a healthy weight.

    We have eyes, ears, noses, and tongues in a world where all our senses are assaulted with advertising that sparks a short-term motivation to eat the thing.

    Mindfulness and self-awareness can enable your better intentions to control your response to that advertising.
  • StarBright147
    StarBright147 Posts: 26 Member
    I make progress and then self sabotage my progress. I don’t know why we do it. Somehow maybe we feel we don’t deserve it. It’s good do you have a great network of friends that have similar goals to help prevent self sabotage. I tell my friends when I start seeing myself sabotaging my progress and they help to get me back on track. I think focusing on the rewards helps to stay on track instead of focusing on what we’re giving up.