Corn syrup - please explain it to me.

Is corn syrup a sugar?
Why is it considered so bad?
Is it counted in the sugar grams on the composition list?
I would google it but there's so much misinformation out there.


  • acpgee
    acpgee Posts: 7,719 Member
    No research to back this but here's what my neurologist said this about high fructose corn syrup: fructose doesn't trigger satiety because in primitive times it was important to gorge on fruit when available.
  • an2860
    an2860 Posts: 7 Member
    Read this book: 'Toxic', written by William Reymond. It explains very well why corn syrup is that bad. It also tells a lot about other additives and about how food is treated to make it look better or to preserve it longer.
  • janettebishop940
    Interesting... Maybe that's why I still want that chocolate bar after I've tried eating fruit instead!
  • janettebishop940
    Thanks for the book recommendation but could you give me a rough idea so I can go downstairs and tell my husband why I don't want him giving my stepson rubbish for breakfast?!
  • dcampus
    dcampus Posts: 18
    Check out Robert Lustig's lecture on youtube about Sugar - cant remember the name. It's quite long and scientific but personally, I was hooked. Also, check out these links (first one is Lustig again).
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,021 Member
  • 55in13
    55in13 Posts: 1,091 Member
    It gets a bad rap. It is sugar, plain and simple. But it is commonly found in processed foods that often use more of it than seems necessary. Anecdotal evidence abounds for all sorts of problems but science doesn't really back it up. If it is used sparingly, it is no worse than raw cane sugar or real maple syrup.
  • janettebishop940
    Thanks everyone.