Well shoot! What now?



  • LotusF1ower
    LotusF1ower Posts: 1,259 Member
    Just found out. I am pregnant. Wow. I was right in the middle of my journey and now this. I don't really know what to do until I go to the Doctor. Do I just try and eat healthy and stick to my calories? God, the last week I went on that stupid detox and was eating about 400 cals a day and lately I've been sticking to 1200. I doubt I did any damage to the baby, but I guess my journey will be on hold for 9 months. Wow, I am in shock. I am telling a bunch of strangers cause I am not allowed to tell anyone else right now.

    Kind of freaking out here. Wow.

    Congratulations you!!!! Fantastic news :happy:

    Right, regarding your previous low calories, your baby will have got all nutrients even if it was to YOUR detriment. Foetuses are like little leeches and will take whatever they need, regardless what it does to the mother, ironic eh.

    However, now that you know you are pregnant you are aware that you need to eat all the right stuff and not skip on the calories. What you can do though, is eat properly, healthily and in the right quantity so that you have enough energy and then when you have had your wonderful baby you may find you weigh less than you did at the beginning of the pregnancy.

    In this way, you are not dieting whilst pregnant but you are not stuffing yourself stupid either.

    Don't forget to mention to your doctor re your detox thing and your low calories, so they can put your mind at rest.

    All the very best, how exciting!!! :flowerforyou:
  • Skinnytime
    Skinnytime Posts: 279
    Your journey is not over. Congratulations on your pregnancy. I was in a similar situation. I had just started WW and was in love with the whole points system. Then - wham-mo - preggers! I decided that I was going to stick to a 20 points a day menu of nutrient rich foods. I was tracking my protein, calcium, fat and carbs. I was mainly concerned that I got 80 - 100 grams of protein a day and whatever the recommended dietary calcium was. I took 3 fish oil capsules a day. I tried to make lower fat choices.

    I was so successful with this that my ob kept ordering sonograms because I wasn't "gaining enough". I argued that as long as the baby was measuring fine and I was getting adequate nutrition, why did I have to be "gaining". The baby needed to be gaining - not me! She was growing just fine.

    I had a very healthy daughter and I was 20 pounds lighter after I gave birth than I was when I found out I was pregnant. I was also healthier.

    Unfortunately, the stress of being a mom of two and the "success" I had made me sloppy. I slowly gained back all the weight.

    So, now I'm back on the journey, but doing it with the help of hcg - which is probably what helped me when I was pregnant.

    Good luck!
  • erodriquez
    erodriquez Posts: 56
    Congrats! A new you and a new baby. Keep up the healthy eating.