Please help....95Ib wanting to gain weight! 😰

Im 25 5’4 weighing steady between 95-98 pounds... I am deeply wanting to gain healthy weight. My first goal is to atleast reach 100 then, gradually reach +5Ib goals till I am back at a good 110-120.
I miss my weight, I used to be 120.

See here’s the catch though...
-I have celiac (allergic to gluten)
-candidiasis (allergic to yeast. Basically, for short... My intestines good bacteria has overgrowths if I eat the wrong things)
-lean genes

If anyone can help me on this journey please feel free to give advice.

I don’t go to the gym, have a dietician, or any trainers.


  • I need to gain weight as well, I’m recovering from an eating disorder, you generally have to increase your intake overtime as weight gain slows down as you progress, I found it hard for my stomach to eat so much food, if you go to your GP they can assess you and give you advice based on your height and weight, I was prescribed Ensures, which are a high calorie dense milkshake which you can get in non-dairy forms that have a really balanced and good nutritional value to them, they contain at least 300 calories per bottle!!!! And they are high in protein, excellent for building muscle
  • Follow a lifting program, eat in a surplus. Keep cardio to a minimum. Usually I wouldn't reccomend it, but I seriously think you could do with a surplus of 500-1000 cals a day For a solid 3 months before backing it down.
  • kimny72
    kimny72 Posts: 16,013 Member
    Im 25 5’4 weighing steady between 95-98 pounds... I am deeply wanting to gain healthy weight. My first goal is to atleast reach 100 then, gradually reach +5Ib goals till I am back at a good 110-120.
    I miss my weight, I used to be 120.

    See here’s the catch though...
    -I have celiac (allergic to gluten)
    -candidiasis (allergic to yeast. Basically, for short... My intestines good bacteria has overgrowths if I eat the wrong things)
    -lean genes

    If anyone can help me on this journey please feel free to give advice.

    I don’t go to the gym, have a dietician, or any trainers.

    Set your goal here to gain 0.5lbs per week and start logging. Log accurately and consistently, and hit that calorie goal. You can find some strength training workouts on Fitness Blender, Beachbody, etc to do at home. There are also body weight programs you can Google that you can do at home, like Nerd Fitness, You Are Your Own Gym, and Convict Conditioning. If you struggle to eat enough, these threads might be worth a read:
  • kimny72
    kimny72 Posts: 16,013 Member
    Follow a lifting program, eat in a surplus. Keep cardio to a minimum. Usually I wouldn't reccomend it, but I seriously think you could do with a surplus of 500-1000 cals a day For a solid 3 months before backing it down.

    A woman gaining at such a quick rate would probably end up unhappy with how she looks. Considering OP seems to have a few health related dietary restrictions that have contributed to her being underweight, it would probably be really difficult to eat so many calories anyway. I'm 5'4 and used to eating at maintenance for a healthy weight, and I would struggle to eat 1000 extra calories every day.
  • I disagree - first off I said 500-1000, not just 1000. Second, a proper nutritional surplus of 500-1000, plus a solid weight training program could result in some serious newbie gains. Obviously not all of it would be muscle, but coming from 95lbs I truly believe a good fat gain to a solid 20% (high-mid fit/athletic for a female) would be hugely beneficial. Yes, the change would be drastic, but I think it would be very healthy.

    I do agree with you that with her dietary restrictions it would be very hard. I have been everything from underweight to athletic to obese in my adult life, and I will gladly admit that cutting from obese to athletic on 2400ish cals a day (currently) is much more pleasant than the 5000+ I had to shove down my throat during a bulk phase while burning too many calories patrolling on deployment when I was in the military.

    While I do see your point that it would be difficult to eat a huge surplus, I truly believe when someone is underweight it is likely necessary to get to a healthy fat % and gain a good amount of muscle.