
kimsmi2018 Posts: 24 Member
Hi team! I’m new to MFP. I’ve only been using it for a week and I’m excited to say that my first week went well. I tracked every day- food and exercise. I only went over my calorie goal one day and I lost almost two pounds. I’m very happy with the two pounds because I’ve been struggling to get below 220 for a while and I finally made it! I’m at 219.6! I must admit that even with this success, I’m finding it difficult to be optimistic about my future success with losing weight and being healthy since I keep losing and gaining the same weight over and over again. But I’m learning from all of those successes and setbacks (I refuse to call them failures) and I’m determined to make this time the last time! And this time will be different because I have you all along on the journey. I’m looking forward to it! Thanks for the welcome @BEASTFIELD314!

I’m not sure if this is posting to the flab-u-less team page. Again, I’m new to this so if it doesn’t post there, can someone tell me how to post to that specific group? Thanks!


  • jerseygene
    jerseygene Posts: 129 Member
    just type flab-u-less team page in the search box that is just above your post on here and click on one of the links.