binging after weight lose

I’ve lost about 25 pounds now I’m having some binging habits . Has anybody had these and what do you do about them.


  • lorrainequiche59
    lorrainequiche59 Posts: 900 Member
    Yes. I lost 23 lbs & have been having some intense emotional eating sessions. Time to rein myself in again. I'm not sure what's going on, but likely just bad habits taking hold once again. I'm asking myself the same question as you are so I'm not in a position to give any advice. Just thought I'd say I can relate...not sure what to do about it other than STOP it!! That would be what Bob Newhart would tell us...if you want a good laugh go on YouTube & put in "Bob Newhart, STOP IT!!"

    If you find the answer, PLEASE share!! Hope you get a handle on your binge eating!! Take Care