October Discipline



  • Hanswifey
    Hanswifey Posts: 20 Member
    I have no idea for calories other than definitely over. My grandma had a party for my brother who is in town and there was way too much snacking on my end. So yep, fail for yesterday in all respects of discipline..
    Starting today strong though!
  • Hanswifey
    Hanswifey Posts: 20 Member
    @davisonhome way to go for yesterday!

    As far as the weekend thing goes though I feel like there is a disruption to the flow of the week. I'm also home (sahm) but weekends hold friends and family outings and if not that then eating with my husband for more than just dinner or being out and about so convenience eating.. uh!
    You've got this! I made a goal for today and already am behind on it too :/ who would've thought life to be this challenging
  • Hanswifey
    Hanswifey Posts: 20 Member
    Made it with my calories! I ended up filling quite a few of them with peanut m&Ms. But stayed within range so I guess that works. However I'd like to not be doing that.
    Got my exercising in with some Barre
    And did not do my stretching app - the struggle to stretch it real.