2 Questions

1). I've seen a "Freaky Eater" episode recently and the female doctor said that if you eat sugar you specifically gain fat around the midline aka stomach. Is this true? I know fat distributes itself but does sugar cause more fat to be stored in the middle?

2). Is it true that working out early in the morning boosts your metabolism?


  • Stockholm_Andy
    Stockholm_Andy Posts: 803 Member
    edited October 2018
    sarahbums wrote: »
    1. nope. (and if the woman you're referring to is Gillian McKeith, she's a total crock.)
    2. exercise burns the same number of calories regardless of the time of day

    Is she the one that asks people to poop in a Tupperware tub then she sniffs it and tells them they're eating the wrong things? Then shows them a big pile of the wrong things...meaning she could have skipped the poo sniffing part altogether?