Fitbit help 🤦

So I feel dumb! But seious question . I've never had my Fitbit doing adjustments through the day so help me out 🤣 I worked out earlier and burned 221.

My Fitbit adjustment so far says 170 for the over 4k steps I've taken. So do I still have to add my workout calories burned?


  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    No. The adjustment is taking that into account.
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member

    Fitbit adjusts are corrections to your activity level. They include exercise and daily activity that is above your selected activity level on MFP.

    This means on really active days you can have large adjustments even if you don’t workout. It also means on days you workout, but are not as active during day-to-Day life you might not see much of an adjustment.

    The math for the adjustment is:

    Fitbit tracked calorie burn - MFP activity level calorie burn = +/- adjustment
  • recovering_bri
    recovering_bri Posts: 22 Member
    Okay. It sucks because it only says I burned 152 now per my adjustment but when I worked out the Fitbit said it was 221 😂 I'll have to get used to this adjustment!
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    Okay. It sucks because it only says I burned 152 now per my adjustment but when I worked out the Fitbit said it was 221 😂 I'll have to get used to this adjustment!

    Basically that means you didn’t burn as many calories during your daily activity (not including exercise) as MFP thought you would. As a result only a portion of your exercise calories were actually extra calories burned.

    I was at one point in time so Sedentary that without exercise Fitbit would subtract calories from MFP and with exercise my adjustment would be 0.
  • recovering_bri
    recovering_bri Posts: 22 Member
    Oh wow! That's so good to know! Well Fitbit/mfp are telling me to step my game up 😂

    I've been running errands all day but I did take a little cat nap. I'm a mom to an almost toddler 🤷 gotta take sleep where I can get it 😂