Success testimonials

Hi guys,
I’m new to the whole counting calories thing! I’ve tried just about every diet out there but found little success in them. Has anyone here had weight loss success counting calories? If so, I’d love to hear about it. Also, I’m trying to lose 1.5 pounds a week, is this a good start? I thought the 1 pound a week was too many calories.


  • kami3006
    kami3006 Posts: 4,978 Member
    I lost 25 pounds about 5 years ago and have ran a couple bulk/cut cycles and maintained since all by counting calories. I weigh and log everything and eat whatever foods I enjoy. It was liberating for me to find this site and realize that I could achieve my goals without having to cut out foods. It has been quite simple.

    The amount of loss per week is going to be determined by how far you are from a healthy weight. So, we'd need to know your height, weight, and age.
  • motivatedmartha
    motivatedmartha Posts: 1,108 Member
    edited October 2018
    The vast majority of people posting on this message board have lost weight by counting calories :D I have lost 51lbs - and am now 1lb from a healthy BMI and about 7 from my ideal weight. The process is simple - sticking to it not so much. Eat a well balanced diet so that you can actually eat enough food to keep you full. Goodies are fine if eaten in strict moderation - they don't fill you up for long ;) Good Luck - and read some of the amazing success stories - many on here have exercised great patience and learned the good habits to make their loss sustainable into the future.

  • cowleyl
    cowleyl Posts: 169 Member
    I have lost 74 lb. I count calories and exercise regularly. I have about 20 lb to go. I used to obsess about scales and about what my projected weight loss for a week should be (and rarely was). For me, it has been very slow -it has been rare for me to hit more than 1 lb in a week unless I exercise, in which case it goes up to about 1.5 lb roughly. I track my weight monthly. I found weighing too often and not tracking at a regular interval contributed to my losing focus and putting weight back on.
  • Running2Fit
    Running2Fit Posts: 702 Member
    Hi! I’ve lost 25 lbs so far (50 to go!) just by counting calories and exercising 3-4 times a week. I like that I don’t have to completely cut out anything and can still eat the foods I love. Counting calories is the most sustainable way for me to lose weight.
  • motivatedmartha
    motivatedmartha Posts: 1,108 Member
    jenilla1 wrote: »
    Yes, I lost weight counting calories using MFP and have been maintaining at goal for almost 8 years so far. It's simple, straight-forward, it works, and best of all it's sustainable. I'm not a fan of big deficits, though, so I didn't go for more than 1 pound a week at any point. I mostly stuck with .5 pound deficit after the first few that I lost to be honest.

    I wasn't in any hurry. I'm patient and I wanted to be able to feel good and have more fun, and that means smaller deficits for me! Plus, I'd rather have it take a long time but have results that last forever because it's easy to keep doing, than drop a crap ton all at once being extreme and then burn out and fail, like I've seen friends and family do. You'll probably be fine at 1.5 pounds. But if it gets too hard, just back off and do a smaller deficit. It takes longer, but it's worth the investment. ;)

    Good advice!! Too many people have added me as a friend - went at it like a bull at a gate, restricted their diets cutting out anything enjoyable and then ran out of steam. Slow and sustainable is gooood!!
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