What Are Your Goals/What Keeps You Going?

When I started this I was at 291lbs. My goal is to get down around 180. I’m currently at the gym about 5 days a week. M/W/F Cardio, T/Th/Sat Weights.

The one thing I’m actually looking forward to is to start running again. I have said I will not start running again until I hit 250lbs. Which is just about 20lbs away. I am wanting to get back to doing mud runs, stuff like the Warrior Dash.

Also want to make sure I’m good and in shape for time with my kids, get back out to hiking in the mountain next summer.

What are your goals? What keeps you going?


  • Running2Fit
    Running2Fit Posts: 702 Member
    I started out at 190 and wanted to lose 70 lbs. I’m at 165 now and have 45 lbs to go! My short-term goal is to get out of the obese BMI range by the end this year. That’s 153 lbs for me so just 12 lbs left to lose this year 🙂

    As for what keeps me going, the number one thing is that my husband and I want to start trying for a baby in about a year and half and I want to be at a healthy weight and be as healthy as possible.

    A less serious reason to keep going - clothes! I want to be able to wear and feel confident in cute outfits again!