Help! Guide! Please!


Ok's been 6 weeks since my foot surgey. The first 4 weeks I could barely move, My tdee definitely lowered so I lowered my calories by 100 since I wouldn't be moving as much. My holidays were pretty much the whole month of September, I was pretty good for most of it but not all :/. 4 days out of the September month I didn't track or watch myself (due to my holiday). In general I wouldn't care because I would have burned it off. It's been one week since I'm fully back on track, (i still can't jump or do any hit classes) but I can do the steps, treadmill, bike and spin and of course weights. I'm up 5 lbs since my surgery. This is the 1st week that I have added cardio back into my workout again. I want to lose these 5 lbs tbat i have put on. Before surgery I was eating 1800 calories a day and maintaining (I'm sure I could have maintained on a bit more but that's where I was at). and I am currently now at 1700. I was at 1700 since the day I had my surgery. I really want to lose these 5 pounds because I truly feel this added weight :(. Do you suggest me staying at 1700? Should I lower them to 1630? I'm feeling really sad that I gained this weight. Yes, going off my diet and not tracking was my choice durring my holidays but I wanted to enjoy, but the surgery really set me back and slightly still is. I want to feel lean again. I feel like I'm starting over again and it sux. Any advice would be great.


  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,996 Member
    You are probably retaining water from exercising again, which is masking fat loss. It's only 5 pounds. It's going to be slow.


  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    I think you are being too hard on yourself. It is hard to say how much weight you gained, if any, because you have been recovering from surgery and you just started exercising again. If you are not fully recovered I would stay at 1700 until you are and see what the scale says in a few more weeks.
  • zfitgal
    zfitgal Posts: 492 Member
    I still weight trained after surgery, only upper body though. I just want to be where I was lol, I know I sound like a child and yes I do use a food scale, i even measure my lettuce :/
  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    I think the priority here is getting back to being 100 percent not a few extra pounds that may or may not be partially water weight.