Been there done that ? 5'10 looking to get to Onderland- need some friends :)

I should title this thread “been there done that” as this is now my third time on MFP but each time comes with its own little successes.

I can’t even remember the start of this journey, I have always been big, ever since I was 12 years old. I am a 32-year-old mamma to an almost three year old boy and my husband has a career which rarely puts him home at long so it is pretty much just me. I am 5’10 tall and have struggled with weight my entire life.

When I went to university and I was officially ‘on my own’ I started to eat whatever I wanted whenever I wanted and then you add in drinking and smoking pot and the weight would just go on and on and on.

It never really bothered me too much until I moved away to a new town and then eating became my comfort as I tried to adjust to a whole new lifestyle without my family and friends near.

Add in another move to a whole new province just as I started to adjust to a new life in a new town, a wedding, honeymoon and then pregnancy then the birth of my amazing son Ryan …
When I was pregnant with my son I did amazing … and somehow only gained 1.5lbs and came out with a 8lb9oz baby still haha and maintained a weight of 230lbs but after I had my son I crawled into a deep postpartum depression and the weight packed on again until I hit the highest at 279lbs.

I started to get into a great routine while on maternity leave and lost 50lbs and got down to 229lbs… once I hit that huge 50lb goal it was like my mind shut off and I started to revert my ways and the scale went back up. An overview of the past years is the following:

2016- 279lbs down to 250lbs
2017- 252lbs and ended with 247lbs and during this time I hit my lowest weight of 228.5lbs
2018- started the year out at 250lbs and currently working towards getting to onderland. The weight went all over the place the past 10 months … highest being 257lbs and now sitting at 241.5lbs

My main goal is to get to onderland …. Cannot recall the last time I was in the 100’s but even if I get to 220lbs I will be so over the moon!

I am looking for friends on here to keep me accountable and motivated. I usually go to the gym 4 times a week but I will admit that work has been so bonkers lately that I have been trying to just focus on my eating as I have not been able to sneak away at lunch to hit the gym


  • SylviazSpirit
    SylviazSpirit Posts: 694 Member
    We have so much in common. I'm a 32 year old mom but to 2 kiddos. I'm not as tall at 5'7 but lost a bunch last year and then got upset when the scale stopped moving and gained most of it back. I would love to see onederland! We cab do it! I sent you a FR!