Diet soda, does it really make a difference?



  • JenSD6
    JenSD6 Posts: 454 Member
    Me personally, I don't think artificial sweeteners are 100% safe. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion there. For me the keyword is artificial meaning it is fake, chemical, unnatural and with recent new additions to the sugar free fight, unnecessary.

    Yep, you can have your own opinion. No argument there. Me, I question the logic of being suspicious of something just because it is artificial when some of the most toxic substances known to man are 100% natural. Seems like the actual documented toxicity (or lack thereof) of the substance ought to be the important point, doesn't it?

    And as far as unnecessary, yes, that's true as long as you like the taste of the alternatives better. Personally, I don't.

    Have you tried Sweet-leaf Liquid Sweetener? It's not as common on the market.

    Often times when people get snarky about the fact some of us don't want to pump artificial chemicals in our bodies, and use the "well some of the most toxic substances known to man are 100% natural" yes, often after a lot of processing with a few exceptions there. Certain illegal substances for instance don't simply grow dangerous, they are processed to the point of lethality.

    I don't understand what's so wrong, why people get so bent out of shape over those who are just trying to be healthier and kick the chemicals out of their diet. It's not a matter of "being suspicious" of aspartame. It's a matter of it's an unnatural chemical and regardless of how safe any study claims it is I would much prefer to do my best to limit my intake as much as possible until better alternatives reach the market.

    I think part of the snark is because of the holiness and preachiness the anti-soda crowd can, at times, impart in these threads. There's absolutely nothing wrong with not wanting it in your body. Your body, your choice, and being soda free is probably one of the better choices to make. But when the fire and brimstone based on extreme lab rat tests or something they read once on the internet is shoved at us and worded in a way that implies they are better than the soda drinkers, you can see how people get their backs up.

    I don't think there's anything wrong with a diet soda now and then. I love my Diet Pink Grapefruit Sodastream. It's my treat at the end of a long day.

    Oh, and I have a bottle of Sweet Leaf Stevia for my coffee, Vanilla Creme. :)
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,701 Member
    Believe the mantra "nothing is bad for you" at your own risk. Or "I've been doing it for x amount of years and I'm okay". Getting away with ingesting things that aren't good for you for a long duration is not a compelling reason to encourage others to do it.
    Or we could believe actual scientific research from peer reviewed clinical studies that debunk a lot of the claims of how "unhealthy" it is.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
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  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,701 Member
    From a health standpoint...
    - All soda is highly acidic and will damage your tooth enamel
    - Sodas weaken bones (I think it has something to do with the carbonation, but don't quote me on it)

    From a diet standpoint, I only know what I have read and what it did to me. I have read artificial sweetners actually increase cravings because your body wants sugar but you're not giving it the real thing so you just want more. For me, I noticed diet soda made me more hungry and I actually was addicted to it. I could drink two 2-liter bottles a day no problem and it wasn't the caffeine I was addicted to because nothing else with caffeine took care of the craving. But I still craved sweet things too. Also, no matter how you look at it, you're ingesting a chemical, so it can't be very good. I managed to switch to just water but it wasn't easy and it took me years to do it successfully. But that's just what it did to me. It depends on how far you are taking your lifestyle change.
    Time to read peer reviewed scientific studies and not just articles from anti diet soda sites.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
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    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • Alluminati
    Alluminati Posts: 6,208 Member
    Well, don't quote me on this, but this is what my mama told me. Drinking diet soda, coke zero, or basically any sugar substitute throws off how your body responds to real sugar. When drinking a diet coke, your body is ready to process sugar and the calories along with it. But then it doesn't get any. After a while, your body gets used to that, and so when you do ingest real sugar, your body isn't able to process it as well. Kinda makes sense to me me.

    Nice try, Forrest Gump.
  • kaned_ferret
    kaned_ferret Posts: 618 Member
    Is drinking diet soda really that bad? if so, what are the negatives effects?

    Here's one for you - I don't really drink any sodas, but last weekend diet coke was on the menu at a friends house so that is what I drank during the day and evening. Couldn't get to sleep that night, then 5am the next morning, had a serious case of liquid delhi belly. Guess I'm not geared up for it, I've certainly been put off ever drinking it again! I'm sure it was the comparitive excess that was the problem, but it's a very real side effect that can occur from drinking diet coke :laugh: :drinker:
  • RhonndaJ
    RhonndaJ Posts: 1,615 Member
    Having read a lot of stuff on diet sodas, best as I can figure the only reasons not to drink them are if you're sensitive to artificial sweeteners, or are against non-natural foodstuffs.

    Your post suggests that you are neither, so you're good to go in moderation.
  • ritchiedrama
    ritchiedrama Posts: 1,304 Member
    Just drink it and get on with ittttttttt
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    That question will certainly open a can of worms and all the fear mongering you may want to read so let me add my 2 cents... I do not buy into the fear mongering, the amount of aspartame that you would have to consume before it would be harmful is tremendous (for me at 250 lbs. I would have to consume over 20+ cans a day for an extended period of time). That being said I drink 2-3 Diet Pepsi a day along with my 100+ oz. of water and have lost a few pounds in the process.... I don't plan on quitting anytime soon but like I said it comes down to what you believe about it.... Best of Luck

    I don't mean to disagree with you, but it's not fear-mongering - it's being aware. I really despise the term "fear-mongering" that pops up all the time on this site. :grumble:

    Our bodies we're really made to intake and process man-made chemicals, so putting in your body doesn't really do it any good - and if you think otherwise I think you are foolish. It seems like drinking it or not drinking it doesn't really make a difference weight wise, but pop in general isn't really that great for you....
    You're body wasn't designed to drive a car, or use the internet, either.

    As for aspartame, there's more aspartame naturally occurring in 4 oz of chicken breast as there is in a 24 pack of diet soda, so it's a non-issue. And the body isn't "fooled" by aspartame, aspartame is protein, and the body handles and digests it like any other protein chain.
  • celadontea
    celadontea Posts: 335 Member
    It causes a variety of cancers.

    Here's the most recent news on Splenda.
  • ashleyisgreat
    ashleyisgreat Posts: 586 Member
    Me personally, I don't think artificial sweeteners are 100% safe. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion there.

    Except, no. You can have your own [informed] opinions. You can't have your own facts, and determining if something is safe is not a matter of feelings, it's a matter of facts and evidence. You can absolutely choose to avoid artificial sweeteners for any reason you want, but you can't just choose to believe that it is a fact that they are not safe. Let's talk real science here, not broscience. What do clinical, peer-reviewed studies have to say about artificial sweeteners? After you figure that out, then you can have an informed opinion on the matter.

    I personally don't like the taste of most artificially-sweetened things, so I tend to avoid them. I will drink an occasional A&W 10 (they are so much better than regular diet A&W), and I am perfectly okay with that.
  • 1longroad
    1longroad Posts: 642 Member
    My Dad can not drink any diet soda, without spending hours in the bathroom. I tend to get very bloated from them, but when I am working, I often have one to two diet cokes or sprite zeros. I don't have enough time to eat sometimes, so it actually keeps me going.

    If it isn't bothering you, you are drinking water also and you enjoy it, you can make a decision based on the information on this thread or through your own research.

    Personally I try to stay away from it on the days I don't work (4 a week) and give myself free reign to have some when I do work. Lo,l that's my bribe to go to work I guess.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,701 Member
    It causes a variety of cancers.

    Here's the most recent news on Splenda.
    What dosage in human consumption would be needed to simulate what happened to mice? If it's more than a case full of splenda per sitting..................then I'll agree. Also mentioning that this is a PENDING study for review and not conclusive.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
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    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • Bry_Fitness70
    Bry_Fitness70 Posts: 2,480 Member
    Believe the mantra "nothing is bad for you" at your own risk. Or "I've been doing it for x amount of years and I'm okay". Getting away with ingesting things that aren't good for you for a long duration is not a compelling reason to encourage others to do it.
    Or we could believe actual scientific research from peer reviewed clinical studies that debunk a lot of the claims of how "unhealthy" it is.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
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    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    This aspect of MFP has been the most puzzling - people who appear fit and have fitness certifications arguing on behalf of products that are under a lot of scrutiny for their potential harmful effects. Here's an idea - err on the side of caution and encourage food and drink that have more natural ingredients. Smokers were just as adamant about the lack of evidence against the harm of smoking (Google the old commercials with doctors advocating tobacco as healthy) - diet soda has only been around for 30 years and has had so many variations in artificial ingredients that the long term harmful effects may not be known until it is too late.
  • tanya203
    tanya203 Posts: 19 Member
    Me personally, I don't think artificial sweeteners are 100% safe. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion there.

    Except, no. You can have your own [informed] opinions. You can't have your own facts, and determining if something is safe is not a matter of feelings, it's a matter of facts and evidence. You can absolutely choose to avoid artificial sweeteners for any reason you want, but you can't just choose to believe that it is a fact that they are not safe. Let's talk real science here, not broscience. What do clinical, peer-reviewed studies have to say about artificial sweeteners? After you figure that out, then you can have an informed opinion on the matter.

    I personally don't like the taste of most artificially-sweetened things, so I tend to avoid them. I will drink an occasional A&W 10 (they are so much better than regular diet A&W), and I am perfectly okay with that.

    Respecting other people's opinions before sharing mine isn't good enough for you? Too Bad.
  • fatfudgery
    fatfudgery Posts: 449 Member
    Respecting other people's opinions before sharing mine isn't good enough for you? Too Bad.

    Good for you for respecting differing opinions, I suppose. The point is that your opinion is irrelevant to the actual, factual, objective reality of the safety of artificial sweeteners. Pointing this out is not some attack on you personally.
  • nonstopper
    nonstopper Posts: 1,108 Member
    All soda is the same. They have BAD carbs and sugars and chems to make you CRAVE another Bad carb product. Thats just the SICK truth. (DRINK any type of SODA, you will CRAVE more SODA) diet, sugar free or whatever, its all the same.

    This wasn't serious, was it? Do I need my sarcasm detector calibrated?

    Lol yup i guess is would be funny to you, because your so ripped and your health is in excellent! Keep drinking soda and lets see those big muscles you got behind tht dog LOL
  • nonstopper
    nonstopper Posts: 1,108 Member
    No! Makes no difference. Yea sure in a way of stuff they probably take Out of the drink but they have to replace it with another chemical that of course will later cause Health problems.

    All soda is the same. They have BAD carbs and sugars and chems to make you CRAVE another Bad carb product. Thats just the SICK truth. (DRINK any type of SODA, you will CRAVE more SODA) diet, sugar free or whatever, its all the same.

    What you need to do is get on juices instead like Gatorade or Poweraid , IF you need that taste, But I HIGHLY recommend sticking to water Water WAter. If you drink a gallon of water everyday , you NEVER have to worry about gaining "water wait" due to yuor body already consuming enough water!

    friendly tips!:glasses:
    Link a site showing health problems caused by artificial sweetners. Make sure it's peer reviewed.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
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    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    Really? Do I need to actually show you that soda causes health problems?!?!?!
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    No! Makes no difference. Yea sure in a way of stuff they probably take Out of the drink but they have to replace it with another chemical that of course will later cause Health problems.

    All soda is the same. They have BAD carbs and sugars and chems to make you CRAVE another Bad carb product. Thats just the SICK truth. (DRINK any type of SODA, you will CRAVE more SODA) diet, sugar free or whatever, its all the same.

    What you need to do is get on juices instead like Gatorade or Poweraid , IF you need that taste, But I HIGHLY recommend sticking to water Water WAter. If you drink a gallon of water everyday , you NEVER have to worry about gaining "water wait" due to yuor body already consuming enough water!

    friendly tips!:glasses:
    Link a site showing health problems caused by artificial sweetners. Make sure it's peer reviewed.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
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    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    Really? Do I need to actually show you that soda causes health problems?!?!?!

    People like you are the reason anecdotal evidence and misconceptions arise. YES you have to show proof if you're making claims.
  • ashleyisgreat
    ashleyisgreat Posts: 586 Member
    Respecting other people's opinions before sharing mine isn't good enough for you? Too Bad.

    Good for you for respecting differing opinions, I suppose. The point is that your opinion is irrelevant to the actual, factual, objective reality of the safety of artificial sweeteners. Pointing this out is not some attack on you personally.

    Exactly. People throw out the word "opinion" when we should be talking about facts. You can't just decide that it's a fact that something isn't safe!
  • nonstopper
    nonstopper Posts: 1,108 Member
    No! Makes no difference. Yea sure in a way of stuff they probably take Out of the drink but they have to replace it with another chemical that of course will later cause Health problems.

    All soda is the same. They have BAD carbs and sugars and chems to make you CRAVE another Bad carb product. Thats just the SICK truth. (DRINK any type of SODA, you will CRAVE more SODA) diet, sugar free or whatever, its all the same.

    What you need to do is get on juices instead like Gatorade or Poweraid , IF you need that taste, But I HIGHLY recommend sticking to water Water WAter. If you drink a gallon of water everyday , you NEVER have to worry about gaining "water wait" due to yuor body already consuming enough water!

    friendly tips!:glasses:
    Link a site showing health problems caused by artificial sweetners. Make sure it's peer reviewed.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    Really? Do I need to actually show you that soda causes health problems?!?!?!

    People like you are the reason anecdotal evidence and misconceptions arise. YES you have to show proof if you're making claims.

    and its people like you who are already brain washed or just probably dont care what you eat or drink. I say "Really?" Because all i have to simply Google is soda & health and BAM! Nothing more to say!

    Hey do me this, SHOW me a link saying where "SODA" is Beneficial and "Good" for you ok?.. then i`ll be quite :)