Eating disorders, depression and two car accidents surviva

Hello, my fitness pals... My name is Fj and I gained weight during my journey of recovery. I love my self and proud of my body and how it survived the toughest times. Now this is my journey to a healthier version of me. I hope I find friends in here and good support. :)


  • Fj_Ashkanani
    Fj_Ashkanani Posts: 4 Member
    Tomorrow it will be 4 moths on my last car accident and on my spinal injury. Taking baby steps to reach the peak inshallah ;)
  • Pool_Boy
    Pool_Boy Posts: 405 Member
    You can do this!!!! :)
  • Hamsibian
    Hamsibian Posts: 1,388 Member
    Inshaa Allah you got this!