Starting AGAIN!

NaimahJSR Posts: 10 Member
Only God knows how many times I have tried losing weight in my life! Every time when I have seemed to have made progress, I go back to where I started. This time it's even worse because I am heavier than where I was. A lot of it has to do with emotional distress, BUT I AM NOT GIVING EXCUSES. I know it is my fault that I am like this and I have to do something NOW!
I know that there could be someone in here who could be going through something similar, join in and lets encourage each other. In the spirit of not giving up. I am at 101kgs now but my ideal weight is 57kgs given my height. I may not be there yet but this time, I am determined to get there.
Also, I'd be grateful for some tips from y'all whove made it! I will post my my progess here every week, just to keep me accountable. You can post yours too :)


  • 20KimmieKim16
    20KimmieKim16 Posts: 640 Member
    Hello, I have been struggling to get back on track for about a year now. Time goes by so fast! I have managed to maintain my current weight but I just can’t seem to loose any more. I have gotten back into the habit of drinking soda and eating whatever I want with no portion control. I have a trip coming up in January and would like to see at least a 10 lb loss. I originally started at 220 lbs then I got stuck at 201 lbs. now I am at 183 lbs. I feel just as fat now at 183 as I did at 220. What can we do to help each other get the motivation to stay in control of our eating habits?
  • hroderick
    hroderick Posts: 756 Member
    Repeating past behaviors isn't going to work this time either. Sorry, but you need to be honest with yourself. What, specifically are you going to do differently?

    It is more about changing you than losing a few pounds and being the same you. There will be weight loss, but there is no end to the change or the weight comes back.

    Here are some changes that are working for me.

    A commitment to exercising an hour each and every day rain or shine, home or away. Increasing the intensity as I am able.

    Planning every bite I eat. I'm using because I don't have time to do the planning that good and past efforts failed partly because I got tired of eating the same thing all the time. I also plan restaurant meals before leaving the house.

    Logging accurately everything and no cheat anything. Eating well below my calorie target to absorb inaccurate calorie measurement.

    Studying habits and how to change them, especially cues and responses. Honestly assessing my bad habits and planning ways to avoid cues and respond differently

    Studying mindful eating and practicing its methods

    Spending a lot of time learning from these forums and making a few friends here.

    Honestly filling out my full profile and making my food diary public. Not many people do that. I believe it demonstrates sincerity and accountability

    I'm doing this and down 110 lb in 2018.

  • 20KimmieKim16
    20KimmieKim16 Posts: 640 Member
    That’s great success and advice. Learning how to permanently change the way you eat is the biggest part of the weight loss battle.
  • Kathryn247
    Kathryn247 Posts: 570 Member
    You CAN do it, with a reasonable plan, determination, and patience. If you don't have those, you'll continue your cycle.
    I moaned about my weight for years, then I came on here, read the "read me" posts, and set my plan. I started tracking all of my food, weighed it in grams with a scale, logged everything. I've lost more than 25% of my body weight, went from obese to normal, and from a size 14 to a 4. It's taken almost 2 years, but it worked and I know I can keep doing it for the rest of my life.
    Decide what you want and DO it. Stop "trying" and DO it.
  • brenn24179
    brenn24179 Posts: 2,144 Member
    I got so disgusted with myself in July and made myself log and recently got 30 lbs off and I feel so good. You can do it. A lady I work with at the gym lost 160 lbs and she inspired me, she ate under 100 grams of carbs a day and this is what I did. Everyone has to find their own thing. Sounds crazy but I went to a fair this summer and they we doing hypnosis on people and I looked at internet and listened to weight hypnosis and meditation and it really worked for me.