Emotional eating

I struggle big time with emotional eating. I have a depression disorder and when I am having one of my struggles I want to turn to food..mostly sweets! I need a friend that can help me stay on track!


  • long_for_me
    long_for_me Posts: 183 Member
    I struggle with the same issue...will add you.
  • dejavuohlala
    dejavuohlala Posts: 1,821 Member
    You are not alone Karen. I'm the same, I'm sure a lot of other people are too but they don't recognise it as this. Good luck feel free to add me
  • kitscats1563
    kitscats1563 Posts: 18 Member
    Their right your not alone. I'm definitely an emotional eater. BIG time!! Feel free to add me. We can all support and encourage each other.
  • karensw02
    karensw02 Posts: 4 Member
    Thank you all for the inspiring messages-sorry it took me so long to get back, I am trying to learn how to get back to see posts back, I just figured out how to get back to see any messages! It is good to hear that I am not alone, although I knew I am not alone...but still good to see reminder! I am trying to learn this ap...I used to belong to weight watchers and just too much... this is free!! As long as I can have some friends to encourage and get encouragements-bare with me as I learn this ap!! 😊🤗🤗
  • Sunnyme333
    Sunnyme333 Posts: 27 Member
    Your not alone. I struggle as well. I revisited this group last night and knew I had to stay in touch more often. I've never been one to be a quitter. I had control of this problem before so I now it is possible to do it again.

    I gave to much of my self away before and Left little for myself. So that's where I'm going to start my change. Putting me at the top of the list.

  • Sunnyme333
    Sunnyme333 Posts: 27 Member
  • Sunnyme333
    Sunnyme333 Posts: 27 Member
    Being assertive is a tough one for me and lead to EE. Why should I turn to food when I already practice that action and lived to tell about it. :D
  • scrapbooklady
    scrapbooklady Posts: 77 Member
    Hi all, I just found this thread. I recently found this podcast which has been HUGE in helping me understand with and deal with my emotions and emotional eating. Healing Emotional Eating by Janet D. Thomas After listening to several episodes I realize my biggest problem lies in making the time to deal with my emotions. I recognize them when they occur (finally instead of just turning straight to food) but at the moment I am not always able to deal with them. I might need to burst into tears but have to hold it in because my kids need me to drive them somewhere or I have a meeting or something. I am trying to make time to journal and work through emotions that I have to put aside in the moment.
  • scrapbooklady
    scrapbooklady Posts: 77 Member
    Feel free to add me anyone!