I gained it ALL back

Last year I lost almost 50 pounds, I was walking everyday tracking calories and doing so great! Then winter hit and it all went south. No more walking ,counting calories slowly stopped being important and I slowly gained it all back 10 pounds here and there until I finally realized I went from 166 back up to my original start weight of 210. I am determined to lose the weight again. This time I am looking for more support from other my fitness pal users please add me!!!


  • grannyrm
    grannyrm Posts: 1 Member
    Welcome! I just started back yesterday! I also gained the weight back. A stressful job and a 3 year hiatus. I am determined! It’s nice to meet you! Support is the key!
  • emilytaylo
    emilytaylo Posts: 7 Member
    I'm in about the same place. I lost 90 lbs 3 years ago. Then regained 45lbs. I've stayed there for the last 18 months but haven't had any motivation to get back on track until recently. My highest weight back 3 years ago was 273. I'm starting this time at 224.
  • angelmaria11584
    angelmaria11584 Posts: 1 Member
    Last year, I worked hard to lose almost 30 lbs. It was hard to come off and every pound was like a mini victory. Slowly, I gained it all back plus another 10. This time I know that things are going to be different. I am just like all of y’all. I am in place where I need to overcome my previous failures and start anew.
  • Overcomer18
    Overcomer18 Posts: 5 Member
    I'm not in the same boat as you, but I'm starting today with 107 pounds to lose. We can cheer each other on and help each other get through this. I'm sending you a friend request.
  • drthomas1640
    drthomas1640 Posts: 6 Member
    Good to hear that .
    Really started my today
  • D222w
    D222w Posts: 7 Member
    Welcome back! I have been there, believe me. And I am restarting today as well :-)
  • thankfulwife
    thankfulwife Posts: 2 Member
    Been there done that. I have been going to the gym for over a year now but just now starting to track my calories again. You can do this!!!
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    edited October 2018
    Last year I lost almost 50 pounds, I was walking everyday tracking calories and doing so great! Then winter hit and it all went south. No more walking ,counting calories slowly stopped being important and I slowly gained it all back 10 pounds here and there until I finally realized I went from 166 back up to my original start weight of 210. I am determined to lose the weight again. This time I am looking for more support from other my fitness pal users please add me!!!

    Hey I did the yo yo thing for 40 years so I swore never to try to focus on weight loss again but only work to improve my health markers. While exercise is good for health to a point I personally found it to be a weak player in maintenance because something always happens that prevents continuing to exercise however I do walk a quarter of a mile daily and have maintained the last weight loss for over three years by moving to a different set of micros that lets me eat until I am full daily.

    Best of success at maintaining this time around as we now know that is harder than losing it.
  • amandarawr06
    amandarawr06 Posts: 251 Member
    I feel your story!

    About 5 years ago, I lost 54lbs over a span of 8 months. I maintained it for about a year afterwards and then after a car accident, it just slowly creeped back on. As of 6 weeks ago, I weighed in again at my original start weight. Am down 8lbs as of last week and feeling very very motivated.

    Add me as a friend!