Anyone go from lazy - fitness freak? Share stories here!!

Have any of you gone from really lazy to a fitness freak?


  • jcreazy
    jcreazy Posts: 50 Member
    I am trying to, it is a complete lifestyle change so it is tough but I know I can get through it.
  • tutti_foodie
    i just started this week! hehehe. i'm still alive, so that's a good sign...jillian michaels 30 day shred video (free on youtube!) totally kicked my butt this morning, but it is a GREAT WORKOUT and after 30 minutes, i'm DONE :)

    check out reviews on MFP, youtube...i was convinced to give it a shot. what have i got to lose? inches and weight!!! (uh, i HOPE).
    otherwise i'll just lose 30 minutes and lots of gross sweat...

    good luck, keep moving!
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    YES! I went from absolutely ZERO exercise to walking 3.5 miles since June 10th. I've just finished my first week of the Couch to 5k program and tomorrow I'm going hiking. I have waaaaaaaay more energy now than I ever did before and I feel fantastic. I'm trying not to overwork myself, but damn I feel antsy all day because I want to get up and do something.
  • missimplicity
    missimplicity Posts: 31 Member
    I'm sure that's where I'm headed. LOL! Although...I'm not sure if I was lazy or just afraid.

    I've worked out four times this week, despite having training on Tu/Th, which interfered with my workout times. I do heavy lifting with the New Rules of Lifting for Women and I all of a sudden love to jog (GASP)! On my non-lifting days, I do running intervals (just 15-20 minutes) since building muscle is my focus. Oh and I'm now hooked on Bikram yoga. I joined a gym that has tons of classes too. It's a little pricey to do all of this AND buy all my good food, but I'm worth it. :happy:
  • arson714
    arson714 Posts: 117 Member
    I used to be a 130 lb twig. I wasn't willing to shave my head for fear people would think I had cancer (seriously..) I got into lifting about 4 years ago, but recently turned up the juice. I'm 205 now and can deadlift almost 500 pounds. Success in the gym and the kitchen lead to further life success, I believe anyway.
  • Shelby1582
    Shelby1582 Posts: 191 Member
    That is the perfect way to describe me. I was always naturally thin but then my clothing size started to creep up and I would think "Oh, I'm still a 4, it's ok." I hated working out and never did anything athletic before. I was a smoker and would come home from my desk job and sit outside with my neighbors and husband and smoke all night and watch tv.
    Then 8 months ago I was a bridesmaid in two of my friends weddings and they are both very fit and small. We all used to be able to share clothes but suddenly I realized I was so much bigger and I had no muscle tone. I would be out of breath from climbing three flights of stairs and unhealthy all around. I started working out for their weddings and also to look better. I got some muscle tone but didn't really lose any weight until I January when I realized I was not doing enough. I quit smoking and started working out hard. Being a non smoker I could do so much more and I loved it.
    Fast forward eight months later and I am a fitness/health fanatic. I love my workouts and get anxious if I have to go a few days without one. I workout 5 days a week, walk everywhere I can, love to run and do all of these things I never tried before. I wish I had changed my life a long time ago. I'm so much happier and I'm a 0 again! Which was not my goal but hey can't complain.
  • miztrezzlyn
    miztrezzlyn Posts: 44 Member
    I was DEFINITELY lazy. I am a stay at home mom who homeschools her children and I didn't do ANY walking, exercise, or anything that was anywhere close to exercise. I haven't exercised at all in my entire life nor dieted (outside of having an eating disorder pretty major when I was a teen).

    My husband and I were both overweight but I never joined him on his multiple diet attempts because I could NEVER give up my mountain dew or coffee/sugar combo. He went on Atkins and I was going to do it with him and I lasted all of 3 hours before I went into the kitchen and made myself some pancakes, I couldn't take it. He stayed on for quite a while although wasn't really dropping weight successfully.

    Anyway, on March 21, he mentioned thinking about trying Weight Watchers. Something clicked in my head and I decided to look at it a little bit and I dunno, a switch clicked in my head. I "tried it out" the next day and within a couple of weeks I had lost a few pounds and was feeling pretty great. I dropped the mtn dew, the sugar. No one could believe I just dropped them just like that. I had been drinking my calories for 25 years. We switched over to counting calories, though I use Spark People and not MFP for my calorie tracking (don't shoot me). Mostly important though is that it isn't just a "diet", we've changed the way we approach food, there are a LOT of things I have discovered that I love and they're healthy.

    Exercise wise:
    March 27th we bought an elliptical, April 1st we started JM 30 day shred. I started walking 3 miles a day. May 27th, we started Chalean Extreme ( I also added Turbo Jam to my routine). We're just about done with our CLX rotation. It's been walk for 3-5 miles, CLX, Turbo Jam, and elliptical 3-4x a week.

    I workout every single day. I ONLY miss if I absolutely have to (son had surgery, had a back problem one day).

    1 more week and I start my CLX/Turbo Fire hybrid with a dose of T25 thrown in in the afternoons, along with my C25k and walks. Its crazy that I went from being RIDICULOUSLY lazy to challenging myself more and more with steps(walking, jogging), exercise, and lifting.

    I started at 185 and 43% bodyfat and am currently at 151 and 28-30% bodyfat (I don't even know how accurate that is). My goal is 135lbs and 20% bf. I still have a way to go but I look so much better and I FEEL so much better.

    On top of all of that, I even quit smoking! I quit smoking, MOSTLY because it was hindering me in my exercise and jogging. So it had to go! Totally a life changing transformation.

    It has also been amazing doing this along with my husband. He has been overweight his entire life and has tried many different "diets" and none of them really worked for him. To date, he has lost 60 pounds. We are each other's cheerleader and coach.

    Our kids are proud of us (they're 8 and 5) and they are along for the ride as well, going on walks with us (they love going for walks), hikes, even "working out" with us. My son encourages me ALL of the time by telling me, "You only have 15 more minutes left in your workout, Mom. Finish it!" My daughter (5) tells us, "It's time to get extreme, baby!" lol My son puts his arms around me to "measure" lol He can now reach around and grab upper forearms where before he could only grab his fingertips.

    Ooops, sorry that got very long :(

    ;tldr - I was VERY lazy, now I'm VERY active!
  • codycsweet
    codycsweet Posts: 1,019 Member
    Yes I went from laying on the couch reading books or watching TV to exercising on most days over the last 2 months. I hope since I go back to work in 2 weeks I can keep it up. I feel really good and accomplished with I workout, I also love my Fitbit, lost it and had to wait a week for a replacement and I was so lost. It helps me stay motivated, I have to have my 10k steps minimum at least 5-6 days a week. Although now I have finished my first week of Focus T25, I haven't been ask focused on steps as I should.
    They say it takes 21 times before something can become a habit. I hope that is true because I have made a great habit (sometimes obsessed) over fitness.

    I have three kiddos; 6 yr, 3 yr, and almost 1 yr old. They keep me busy but are also the reason for me wanting to become healthy and fit :)
  • obxdude018
    I wouldn't say I went from real lazy, I work outside and do a lot of moving, however I never cared a whole lot about fitness or what I ate. Now all of sudden I eat right, I work out and do plenty of cardio and have signed up for a boot camp. One thing I would of never done is go out and by running shoes and I did that today. Since I started this about 4 weeks ago, I have lost a few sizes on waist, love handles have started to recede, top 2 abs are coming in and now I fit it in medium shirts.
  • scrapjen
    scrapjen Posts: 387 Member
    I never really exercised before 2006 - then I lost 50 pounds and became addicted to exercise. I've worn a pedometer and tracked steps ... walking, treadmill, elliptical, stationary bike. For a while there my Friday night dates with hubby were games of racquetball. One summer was dedicated to hiking.

    Unfortunately, even with all my activity I was gaining the weight back (I was burning 3000 calories a day, but I guess I was eating that back and more). Now that I'm watching what I eat, the weight is going back down.

    I've done 60minutes on the elliptical and 30DayShred (level3 day 9) so far today ...
  • Dgadd17
    Dgadd17 Posts: 49 Member
    Yep, I'm one of those too. I went from couch potato 3 months ago to working out hard 5 times a week. I even drive to different clubs most days in order to get all my workouts in doing the classes I like. It's a bit of wear and tear on the car, but it's worth it. I used to sleep until 10am every morning, now i'm up before 9 so that I have time to grab a quick nutrition break and get to the club in time to stretch before class. My husband has to be wondering who this woman he's living with is! He's seen me lose on fad diets (South Beach, Fen-Phen, blah, blah, blah), but he's never seen me take the exercise part of it so seriously.
  • digitaljdr
    digitaljdr Posts: 50 Member
    I went from doing practically anything but trying to be active, to doing everything trying to stay busy and active.

    Middle/High school was filled with eating and snacks and gaming till bed, College just meant I didn't have a bed time and as long as I went to class free rent with all the snacks that my part time job/consulting could buy.

    Graduated college, got my head right started eating smarter. Had bariatric surgery and now I walk, ride, (attempting to run) anything with almost anyone that will go. It's not how you lose weight in the end, its how you keep it off and the changes you do to keep it that way.

    I work out 5 times a week (sometimes 6). I alternate weights and heavy HIIT cardio days.
  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member
    I went from 0 to 10 in one day. I'd never worked out before, 7 months ago decided to start and have been working out 6-7 days a week ever since.
  • EmilyEmpowered
    EmilyEmpowered Posts: 650 Member
    FOR SURE!!!! I was always soooo lazy, like ridiculously lazy. Playing with my kids consisted of sitting on the couch and letting them bring toys to me and doing nothing really fun, I am ashamed to say. I hated going for walks. I HATED summer time because I was expected to go outside and get hot, and God forbid SWEATY! I bought furniture, two couches that consisted of RECLINERS IN EVERY SEAT so that I could lounge anywhere I wanted and watch TV and be lazy.

    I would NEVER go back there now! I work out every single day. I love chasing my kids around, making obstacle courses with them, swimming, etc. I love being outside and being adventurous. I LOVE LIFE so much more now that it doesnt revolve around sitting, eating, and sleeping.

    Plus, i turn into a royal ***** if I miss a couple days of working out. I need that stress relief.

    ETA: Also replaced those recliners with some beautiful furniture that is still comfy... but now that sit-here-all-day-and-dont-move comfy :wink:
  • MizTerry
    MizTerry Posts: 3,763 Member
    (raising hand)

    I am no longer washing my mouth out with chocolate anytime anyone says the word "exercise."
  • JulieAnn72
    JulieAnn72 Posts: 795 Member
    Me!!! I got super motivated to lose weight at the beginning of the year so I started counting calories and eating right. It worked great and I lost weight, but I was still extremely lazy. Didn't do any exercise at all. Then at the end of March, I joined a 30 Day Shred challenge here because I had the video and had plateaued and figured I'd try it. Something clicked and I just kept going. I've been working out 4-6 days/week every week since - and I love it!
  • evt84
    evt84 Posts: 71 Member
    I wouldn't say I was "lazy" but I had ZERO interest in exercising!

    Until one day I decided to order Insanity, and the day it arrived--I went from NEVER working out, to working out religiously 6 days a week. I am on day 54 of Insanity with only 1 week left! I actually feel anxious and bored on my Sunday's off!

    Never ever pictured myself looking forward to working out, but it's incredible how much better I feel!
  • kkveggie
    kkveggie Posts: 56 Member
    Yeah! I've always been thin, but never worked out and didn't pay attention to what I was eating. Last July I saw a picture of myself in a bikini that my friend posted on Facebook and was really upset at how squishy I looked. I am 5'3 and at the time was around 122 lbs. Last year whenever I went to lift something or even open a jar people would offer to help because they thought I was delicate and weak, well not anymore! After I saw that picture I decided to change.

    I researched how to eat healthy and by December I got down to 114 lbs. Then in January I decided that I needed to start working out (especially since I was going to Mexico for spring break). I started by spending 30 mins on the eliptical at my university's gym, and by the end of that semester I was spending 2 hours at the gym doing cardio, core strength, and really small hand weights. I looked forward to going to the gym, and I got so excited when a random person would stop me to say I'm looking good or when one of my roommates would say they were jealous of how dedicated I was.

    Now that it's summer I don't have access to a gym, but I still run everyday during my lunch break and have been doing p90x at nights. I love to work out now, it is my me time, it allows me to just get lost in my head and I feel like a bada$$ when I'm sweating and going hard. I feel so much more confident now and working out gives me a huge energy boost (even though my body will be dead tired hah). I can't wait for school to start back up so I can begin to add some weight training to my routine.

    Oh, and btw now I am 109 lbs and my family asks me to open the pickle jars for them!
  • brandyme
    brandyme Posts: 400 Member
    I definitely did. Not even a year ago I didn't workout at all. I also spent a lot of time lounging around the house. Now I get in at least 2 workouts a day, sometimes 3 because I like it not because I have to. Speaking of which, I am going to go do my second round of T25 for the day. :)
  • cashthomas
    cashthomas Posts: 4 Member
    I am about to start walking how did you start off, I need to start slow due to knee pain