

  • icecreamtime
    icecreamtime Posts: 11 Member
    LiLee2018 wrote: »
    I feel you girl.
    I'm 5'3 and started out at 224. I've lost 30lbs and only just now started to notice a difference and only sometimes. But I'm also going by how my clothes are fitting too. I started out at a becoming tight 18 and I'm now in size 14. Even though I don't usually see the change in the mirror or even in photos, it's there.
    I also have anxiety and what got me to finally stick with a diet is a health scare. I started having chest pains and it scared me to death. Thankfully it was just stress causing it and nothing more serious, but I finally got in the right frame of mind to stick with it instead of giving up after a few weeks. Helps to have found a diet that I don't feel deprived too (dirty keto).
    I just keep looking at it like this... especially when I'm having cravings (which are few and far between now).
    Do I want to spend the rest of my life being miserable about my weight/appearance? Or do I want to spend this year or so losing weight and finally.. FINALLY being in a body I'm not ashamed of? Sure, I wish I could go out and eat all the junk food and all the carbs! But ya know.. those foods aren't going anywhere. Am I going to give in and eat junk food for that moment of happiness followed by guilt and shame and frustration? Or am I going to stick with this and be proud of myself for reaching my goals??
    We've already wasted too much time being unhappy about our appearance/weight. It's time to stop being miserable and start doing something about it. Stop making excuses to stop. Stop making excuses as to why you can't or why it's too hard.
    Yes YOU CAN DO IT. It may be hard at first, but it gets easier and then you look back and want to kick yourself in the butt for not doing it sooner.
    We all can do this, but we have to stop making excuses to go back to old habits.

    "We've already wasted too much time being unhappy about our appearance/weight. It's time to stop being miserable and start doing something about it. Stop making excuses to stop. Stop making excuses as to why you can't or why it's too hard."

    SO TRUE!💚
  • CSARdiver
    CSARdiver Posts: 6,252 Member
    Going through this process has caused me to look at this from a very different perspective. I draw on the financial analogy often, but also like education. Prior to getting a degree are people unhappy with their state of mind? Even after earning the degree it isn't the diploma that makes one happy, but the training they went through and the new process of thought they can use to keep the momentum of growth going.

    Your body is a work in progress. You are not defined by any select snapshot, but a collective. Neither is your happiness defined by acquiring one desire. Happiness is found on the path, not the destination.

    I was happy when overweight. I am arguably happier now, but this is more due to a sense of achievement, experience, and lessons learned, not some arbitrary number on a scale.
  • Lillymoo01
    Lillymoo01 Posts: 2,865 Member
    Our appearance is only a small part of who we yet the part we most often focus on. Look for all of your positives, not just in how you look but who you are to truly build your self-worth and happiness. That way an improved appearance with weight loss is an added bonus.
  • 12Sarah2015
    12Sarah2015 Posts: 1,117 Member
    Exercise when you get your heart rate up and slightly out of breath does wonders for my mental health
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    I don't necessarily agree that we should love the way we look no matter what. There is a place where we have to accept ourselves, but within reason, if you don't like something about yoieself, then change it.