day 1: jillian michaels 30 day shred. pls help motivate me!

just finished my first day of level 1. yikes!


1) i made it through the entire 30 minutes (with a few 5 second breaks). my original goal was to just make it to 15 minutes,
give myself a pat on the back for starting to exercise, and call it a day. win-win! i used my 5 lbs weights and did the modified moves which was PLENTY, whew...

2) i can get an intense workout on a budget/free (thank you youtube!!!), at home, after a reasonable 30 minutes.


1) i kinda felt like dying (a very common experience, so i've learned LOL)

i'm feeling great now, but know that soon (or maybe VERY SOON) i will fall into the pit of despair and feel like quitting.
what should i do to keep morale up? i considered starting a blog or something, but maybe this thread is enough?

i also took my before photo (in all it's untoned soft n' squishy glory). i read from others that having a visual helps to monitor one's progress.

thanks so much guys. i HATE exercising and, although i have been within my 'desired' weight range, i have never been very strong/toned. i am doing this in addition to the food diary, so hopefully that helps too...

my first lesson: i like to get exercise out of the way first thing in the morning! thank god that's over with...time for coffee ;D

keep it up everyone and thanks for the positive energy! i LOVE reading your success stories, exercise tips and even setbacks because it reminds me that this is a lifelong journey, everyone's path is different...i look forward to celebrating your success/progress as well as venting frustrations and uplifting others going through the valley of challenges.


  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    If you do a group search on MFP, you'll find many groups dedicated to Jillian Michaels and the 30DS. They might be of better help to you :)
  • fitmom07
    fitmom07 Posts: 215 Member
    I just finished day 28/30 off the 30 day shred video! Not going to lie, level 3 is a killer still for me. I may have to extend! I lost 8 pounds doing it though, and I feel great! Just stick with it. There was a few times I thought I was going to die, but I am determined and like to push myself. Thinking about doing Insanity next!
  • mrshallewell

    Jillian Michaels workout group if anyone is interested please join us.