Optavia doliet

I am on the optavia diet plan I would love to know if anyone else is on this plan.


  • manderson27
    manderson27 Posts: 3,510 Member
    Haven't seen this one before. So did a quick look. Put in my stats but the link for the PDF showing me my plan didn't work. (Being a sceptic I think it might be broken on purpose so you end up calling them)

    But it looks like all the other plans where you pay for someone else to make your meals and count the calories. Which works for some people, we all have to find our own way of sticking to a calorie deficit.

    Just remember there will come a time when you will come of it and will have make your own food and count your own calories. Otherwise there will be a risk of going back to old habits.

    I hope you find others who are doing this plan, it is always nice to have the support of others doing the same thing.

    Good luck :)