weight loss struggles

Hello I am new to fitness pal and I am having a hard time losing weight and looking for encouraging words. I am currently working with slim 4 life to lose weight but I have been unsuccessful even with their strict diet. I am so ready to give up, but I have so much money invested in them. I can't even seem to lose weight on a 1500 calorie diet which Is about what I eat daily anyway.


  • tinamariecleg
    tinamariecleg Posts: 99 Member
    Do you work out a lot ? Maybe you are not eating enough if you are burning a lot of calories
  • wknmom
    wknmom Posts: 73 Member
    Depending on your lifestyle/age/etc, 1500 may be too many calories. I am on a 1200 calorie diet here on MFP. The weight is slowly coming off. Do you exercise as well?
  • Mama530
    Mama530 Posts: 605 Member
    How is the quality of your food? Are you incorporating all nutrients? My goal is 1200-1550 each day. I seem to lose weight at about 6 lbs. per month.
  • kj26boys
    kj26boys Posts: 73 Member
    Hmmm. I can see why you're frustrated. Definitely don't give up. My suggestion is to go to the dr. You never know if there are any medical problems that are hindering or contributing to the struggle to lose. One of my "secret weapons" is sleep. Even if I eat right and exercise, if I don't get at least 8 hrs of sleep a night the scale doesn't budge. I don't know why but I have heard of others with this same issue so try getting more sleep. And the last suggestion is to make sure you are actually measuring anything you consume. It's so easy to get this wrong. Good luck and hang in there! :heart:
  • kRcu
    kRcu Posts: 18
    the last suggestion is to make sure you are actually measuring anything you consume. It's so easy to get this wrong. Good luck and hang in there! :heart:

    THIS!!! I always thought eating healthy and clean was how to lose weight, its not. You must count and weight everything; especially until you get the hang of a routine. When I thought I was eating healthy, I was taking in only 1,200 - 1,500 calories per day. I couldn't lose weight. I now eat 2,700 per day and am losing 1-2lbs per week (6'4" 249lbs).

    It is a very hard balance at first but it gets easier. There is a fine balance of cut calorie needs / maint calories / bulk calories. Only about a 700 - 1,000 from cut to bulk. Not only do you need to make sure you are eating slightly less than you need, you need to also be eating enough.
  • Espressocycle
    Espressocycle Posts: 2,245 Member
    Slim4Life allows you to prepare your own food. You need pre-packaged food for portion control, like Jenny Craig or whatever. Alternatively, you could follow my low-cost version - just eat nothing but those $1 Banquet meals at the supermarket and take multivitamins so you don't get scurvy.
  • sjaplo
    sjaplo Posts: 974 Member
    Well - that there is your problem........the first four dates I clicked on in your diary have no entries. You have no idea how much or how little you are consuming.