Trying to lose weight with chronic stress/pain



  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    I have lupus which sometimes flares and causes vasculitis and nerve pain. I sympathize with you. When I'm having a flare all I want to do is huddle under blankets and eat. But exercise is better for my pain in the long term. I've tried various things, but the one that has worked for me most consistently is to make myself exercise hard for at least fifteen minutes a day - in my case stationary bike, which doesn't aggravate my knee injury if that happens to be causing trouble. I figure I can stand anything for fifteen minutes, and fifteen minutes of actually working out hard enough to sweat makes a huge difference in keeping my fitness when I can't do much. I also do ten minutes of yoga and bodyweight strength each morning no matter what. When I was injured and recovering I just changed around what I did for the ten minutes to work better for me.

    When I'm not having a flare I do all kinds of stuff - Zumba, running, lifting - but fifteen minutes of cycle and ten of yoga/stretching and bodyweight strength is my bare bones minimum, which I make myself stick to even if everything hurts.

    Best of luck to you and I hope you have good days ahead.
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    @fmize7 thanks for your comment. The fear of pain is real. Since we are all similar and different at the same time I find myself saying, "If it is to be it is up to ME".

    No one knows us like we know ourselves so we have to take all input with a grain of salt. People that tell me what I should/should not do I run from them (well more like fast walk from them). Now at the age of 67 with better health markers than 30 years ago tells me my changes are working for me. I have no clue how my changes would work for another.

    Our bodies are always talking to us so after I understood that I am trying to listen better. :)
  • fmize7
    fmize7 Posts: 26 Member
    @rheddmobile Thats awesome. I want to be like that. You sound very committed. Thank you so much. I @GaleHawkins Very Very true. We are all so different. What works for one may not work for another. Very wise words. I think that most of us just want to be healthy, to feel good and live a good life. Its so hard to be discerning sometimes. Either we push farther than we should or we don't push hard enough. Today was a particularly exhausting day for me but I pushed through a work out. Hope it was for the best. I really want to be able to listen to my body better. I guess it gets better with time if we are aware.

    Although I am not happy that you all suffer through pain as well, as its such a hard thing in this life, it has opened my eyes that I am not alone and that if you all could do this so can I. We can do this together. You all have been very encouraging just hearing your stories about how you live with the pain and the things you do to stay fit and healthy. Very inspiring.