Can Someone help me understand Calorie Deficit, please?

I just started using MFP about a week ago & I came across this. (see below) I'm not really sure what it means & wndered if someone can explain it to me.

Calories Burned
From Normal Daily Activity 2,090 cal/day
Net Calories Consumed*
Your Daily Goal 1,200 cal/day
Daily Calorie Deficit 890 calories
Projected Weight Loss 1.8 lbs/week


  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    Based on the information you provided MFP, in order to maintain your current weight, you need to consume 2,090 calories.
    In order to lose 1.8+ lbs a week, you need a deficit of 890 calories. Based on that, 2,090-890=1200 calories.
    They're recommending you consume 1200 calories. Now, the way MFP works, if you exercise, they will add the amount of calories you burned during your exercise to your daily total. So, say you burned 250 calories doing, for example, 30 Day Shred. You eat your 1200 calories. And then you eat another 250. So you'll have consumed 1450 calories, but your daily NET calories will be 1200. It's pretty simple math. If you exercise, always try to net above 1200.

    Now please take this with a grain of salt. 1200 is the absolute BARE MINIMUM anyone should eat. Ever.
    I understand the want/need to lose weight as fast as you can. People become discouraged when they don't see big/quick losses. Please remember that this is a lifestyle change. It's not a race. It's not a sprint. It's a friggin' marathon. At 1200 calories, you'll feel like you're starving. I've been there, and done that myself.
    Instead of taking an 890 cut, I recommend doing a 500 calorie cut. So you can consume 1590 calories, you'll feel more satisfied and you'll get more of the nutrients you need. You'll still be in a deficit and you'll still lose weight.

    The other way you can do it, is the TDEE method, which is talked about alot around here. You can go here: to figure out your TDEE and then subtract 20% from that (based on your activity level) and eat those calories everyday across the board, and don't eat your exercise calories, since those are already built into your activity level.

    Good luck!
  • Calliope610
    Calliope610 Posts: 3,780 Member
    To clarify the previous post (Ninkyou), in order to lose 1.8+lbs/week (I bet you set your weight loss goal at 2lbs/week) you will need a daily deficit of 890 calories below TDEE (total daily energy expenditure). The math behind this is that 1lb of excess weight (not water weight) is equivalent to 3500 calories. To lose 1 lb/week, you have to have a weekly deficit of 3500calories. Divide this by 7 days a week = daily deficit of 500 calories.

    A weight loss goal of 1lb/week is considered healthy weight loss, without an undue and unnecessary restriction of calories. At this rate also, you are more apt to stick to your calorie goal, as it is less restrictive and less apt to binge as a response to perceived deprivation.

    If you TDEE is 2090cal/day and you decrease that daily requirement by 500 (500cal/day x 7day/week = 3500 cal/week deficit = 1lb/week weight loss), your daily requirement is 1590. IMHO, you will be more successful over the long run by trying this than you will be trying to stick to a 1200cal diet.
  • Thanks a lot! I understand now but I usually don't eat the 1200 calories that I am given not because I'm trying to starve myself or anything but the food I do eat keeps me pretty full, that & water I guess. There's usually a 100-200 calorie margin between what I've consumed & the 1200 daily goal. I still eat what I want while staying within,usually below, the nutrient goals MFP has set for me(not intentionally) but my portions are a lot smaller now & it leaves me full. I do exercise about 6 days a week & I noticed that it was suggested that I eat back the calories I've burned during that time plus the 1200 but how can I do so if I can't even consume the original 1200?
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    Eat more caloric dense foods like peanut butter or avacado. Eat full fat cheese. I also like to eat Greek yogurt since they're full of protein.