Lose 35 lbs Oct 24 to March 1



  • ata1anta
    ata1anta Posts: 115 Member
    RredSonja wrote: »
    What are you going to reward yourself with?

    I was trying to think of that. New boots? Nah, all the cool ones will be done for the season. I’m not a shoe 👠 chick, so I’ll have to think of something … 🤔
  • UnixGuru
    UnixGuru Posts: 16 Member
    edited October 2018
    Add me please! Don’t get into the community pages every day, but have been really working hard to meet my goal, but I could really use the accountability:

    SW: 344.7 (3/19/17)
    CW: 256.1
    GW: 230
    Stretch goal: 220

    I’m currently physically semi-handicapped after two joints fused in my back 12/6/17, and a “repair” fusion 3/26/18. I use a rollator (walker with wheels and a seat), and I am currently walking about a 0.84 mile round trip (about 31 minutes). I’m unable to sit (of all things) without severe pain after about 30 minutes.

    So I need people to help “push” me to further reduce sugar in my diet, to increase my faithfulness in doing the PT stretches, and increase my walking distance (next goal is a park about 0.5 miles from home) and frequency from once a week to 3x a week (as weather allows)

    Looking forward to the accountability
  • mercedesfisk
    mercedesfisk Posts: 9 Member
    RredSonja wrote: »
    Welcome all! Nice to meet you. Please friend me if I don’t send you a request.

    To join, just post your stats (or not, your choice!) and show up. Wednesday weigh-ins (again, up to you if you want to give us numbers) and encouragement anytime.

    Here’s a question - what will your reward be?

    Even if I don’t hit my March 1 goal weight, I am going to reward myself for getting back to eating healthy and working out. I want a tattoo when I reach my ultimate goal weight, so I’m going to spend a day visiting some tattoo shops in my area and interviewing artists, and add $100 to my tattoo fund jar. I want some sick sleeves!

    What are you going to reward yourself with?

    My birthday is actually in April, so after the challenge ends. I think I'll reward myself with. New birthday dress. :smile:
  • RredSonja
    RredSonja Posts: 307 Member
    UnixGuru wrote: »
    I’m currently physically semi-handicapped after two joints fused in my back 12/6/17, and a “repair” fusion 3/26/18. I use a rollator (walker with wheels and a seat), and I am currently walking about a 0.84 mile round trip (about 31 minutes). I’m unable to sit (of all things) without severe pain after about 30 minutes.

    So I need people to help “push” me to further reduce sugar in my diet, to increase my faithfulness in doing the PT stretches, and increase my walking distance (next goal is a park about 0.5 miles from home) and frequency from once a week to 3x a week (as weather allows)

    I too have had spinal fusion, L6 L7 L8, in 2014. Absolutely the best thing you can do is your PT exercises as prescribed, and walk as tolerated. Ask you doctor or PT, but it might be better to try and walk daily for 10 minutes and try to increase the time every week, than walk for 30 minutes only once per week.

    Best sugar busters I have discovered;

    1. Stevia, a natural no calorie sweetener
    2. Both caffeinated and herbal teas are wonderful for replacing sweet treats, provide many healthy benefits (in particular research gyukoro green tea, very well worth the investment) and keep you hydrated.
    3. A brand of low carb, no added sugar protein shake called Premier Protein, which is an amazing coffee creamer for hot coffee, and makes wonderful iced coffee too
    4. Change your focus - instead of thinking about the lack of sweet, seek out savory. Whole grain crackers, chicken with plenty of spices, rich vegetable soup, whatever you like. Explore new spices!
  • UnixGuru
    UnixGuru Posts: 16 Member
    Thanks for the tips. Doing most of that. I will definitely check out the tea, and I love the Premiere Protein shakes and will try them as a creamer substitute in my coffee. I increased my walk today and made the round trip to the park (it’s an 0.89 mile m, 39 minute round trip). Laid on a park bench for a bit to make the walk home easier.
  • RredSonja
    RredSonja Posts: 307 Member
    UnixGuru wrote: »
    Thanks for the tips. Doing most of that. I will definitely check out the tea, and I love the Premiere Protein shakes and will try them as a creamer substitute in my coffee. I increased my walk today and made the round trip to the park (it’s an 0.89 mile m, 39 minute round trip). Laid on a park bench for a bit to make the walk home easier.

    Awesome! Walking is wonderful. I’m glad you made it to the park!

    Gyokuro green tea is great for health, but is kinda bland. If you like cinnamon, the absolute best tea IMHO is Celestial Seasonings Bengal Spice. It is amazing, no sweetener needed.
  • UnixGuru
    UnixGuru Posts: 16 Member
    Tomorrow is a rest day. I will attempt to get laundry done and get a shower - that’s actually hard when you can’t stand long or sit on the shower stall “bench “ ;)
  • monica_delarosa
    monica_delarosa Posts: 22 Member
    I would like to join your challenge. I’m restarting my weight loss after readjusting my methods.

    SW: 215
    PW: 215
    GW for March 1: 180
    Ultimate GW: 165
  • carolannerhardt
    carolannerhardt Posts: 10 Member
    I know it's late, but I want to join in!
    SW: 182
    CW: 167
    Challenge GW: 132
    Ultimate GW: 125
  • RredSonja
    RredSonja Posts: 307 Member
    I would like to join your challenge. I’m restarting my weight loss after readjusting my methods.

    SW: 215
    PW: 215
    GW for March 1: 180
    Ultimate GW: 165
    I know it's late, but I want to join in!
    SW: 182
    CW: 167
    Challenge GW: 132
    Ultimate GW: 125

    Welcome welcome! Never too late to join.
  • docoryn
    docoryn Posts: 11 Member
    I would love to join the challenge:

    SW: 207
    PW: 187
    GW for March 1: 152
    Ultimate GW: 145

    Reward? A day off of work for hike and spa-day in April.
  • RredSonja
    RredSonja Posts: 307 Member
    docoryn wrote: »
    SW: 207
    PW: 187
    GW for March 1: 152
    Ultimate GW: 145

    Reward? A day off of work for hike and spa-day in April.

    Welcome! Hike and spa sound really nice. Details details!? Where is the hike? What lavish and relaxing spa services?
  • docoryn
    docoryn Posts: 11 Member
    RredSonja wrote: »

    Welcome! Hike and spa sound really nice. Details details!? Where is the hike? What lavish and relaxing spa services?

    I have a groupon for a mud bath in Napa and I'm thinking Mt. St. Helena for the hike (unless it's cold/windy...then I'll have to change plans)
  • RredSonja
    RredSonja Posts: 307 Member
    Docoryn that sounds like a great day.

    Everyone ready for Halloween? I will be weighing in at the end of the day, I’m thinking that will help me steer clear of the candy. I’m also going to allow myself plenty of calories for healthy food, maybe an extra 300, as long as I stick to my macros. Feeling full means not feeling deprived, for me.

    What is your Halloween strategy?
  • Believer150
    Believer150 Posts: 9 Member
    I hadn't made a plan...but now thanks to this question I am thinking about it! If I say I won't eat a mini chocolate bar (or 2) I think I would be lying. But I will be honest and track the calories...and spend more time at the gym to offset it!
  • UnixGuru
    UnixGuru Posts: 16 Member
    We’re not handing out candy tomorrow... makes it easy to avoid it!
  • docoryn
    docoryn Posts: 11 Member
    definitely workout in the morning...then candy avoidance for the rest of the day
  • carolannerhardt
    carolannerhardt Posts: 10 Member
    Just checking in. Going to wait until next Wednesday to post my weight loss, since I just joined a couple days ago. As for a reward...hmmm...maybe a new book. A little about me, I'm a Type 2 diabetic. Diagnosed 2 -1/2 years ago. It's been a real struggle, but I'm still learning. The same day I joined this challenge, I also began the Atkins 20 plan. Hoping the challenge, the new eating plan, and exercise will help me lose weight, get me off medication for diabetes, lower my blood pressure and cholesterol. I'm not a young chic...today is my birthday and I just turned 75. Feeling great and so blessed to be able to be active and as my doctor says, "doing great!"
  • bschkade2
    bschkade2 Posts: 2 Member
    Would love to Join. This is just what i need to take a small step. Sometimes I get too grand in my plans.

    sw: 235
    Gw March 1: 200
    Ultimate gw: 145

    My reward will be a new family portrait. I would love to have one picture where I wasn't focused on a good angle to hide all my weight.