I have a problem...

...when I'm left alone in the kitchen with a spoon in my hand the temptation is always there to go to the cupboard and have a 'little taste' of the delicious spreads we have - jam, lemon curd, chocolate spread, peanut butter, honey. I know I'm going to feel crappy afterwards but I still end up doing it. It's like a compulsion or something.

Does anyone else have this problem?


  • SunKissed1989
    SunKissed1989 Posts: 1,314 Member
  • Borrowed_time
    Borrowed_time Posts: 23 Member
    No but I do have to check through the cupboards - even if I know there isn't anything to munch on.. :drinker:
  • I1can2do5it
    I1can2do5it Posts: 1 Member
    I've felt this way before, and it was usually from me eating too few calories or working out more and not eating the deficit, Often times, it was my body's way of telling me that it needed more calories for energy. That's probably why your turning to sugary food (like jams) and foods high in fat ( like the peanut butter) because they're secreted quickly into your blood stream and quickly give you energy. I don't know but that's just my guess. Maybe just try eating more proteins or bump up your calorie intake a little. Good Luck! :)
  • me too :( not just with jam and peanut butter, but with anything edible really.
  • erikmsp72
    erikmsp72 Posts: 137 Member
    Could you put those tempting things in a not-easy-to-get-to spot in your house? Or, if you just can't stop yourself, you might have to get rid of 'em at least for a while.
  • spoiledpuppies
    spoiledpuppies Posts: 675 Member
    I work 8-5 from home, and I know that since tracking on MFP I've cut back a ton on this. Every time I'd go upstairs for a drink or let the dogs out, I would grab some pretzels and hummus or some nuts. (So nothing bad, really, but just something each time.) I would recommend just being diligent with your tracking. Rather than eating a "spoonful" make it a teaspoon or tablespoon and track it BEFORE your eat it. It helps me to decide if it's worth it (and it's usually not).
  • HisStrengthCounselor
    HisStrengthCounselor Posts: 191 Member
    Hi, I too have this problem, but the solution.....Don't have it in your cupboard! If its easily accessibe, the easier it is to get to...Replace all your trigger foods, be realistic, if you know you have no self control around some food, just don't have it in your house at all...for me thats Twizzlers Sweet & Sour Filled Twists- I can tell myself I will just have 2, but before the day is over I have eaten the entire bag. There is no use in trying to beat yourself up, we all have weaknesses, Supermans was Kryptonite, The Wicked Witch of the west was water....
  • Mommybug2
    Mommybug2 Posts: 149 Member
    I think that is a very common problem. I used to think I could keep "fun-sized" candy in my house. They were a small "treat" and if used correctly would have been perfectly fine. However every time I walked into the kitchen I would grab one, so a 25 calorie candy turned into a 200 calorie habit. Now the candy jar is stocked with candies I don't care for and don't tempt me. So if I want some candy I have to deliberately go out and buy exactly one candy of the size I am allowing myself.

    My daughter and husband have also benefited from this although they are not as happy about the fact that I don't buy that stuff anymore.