Diet change and stomach issues(??)

Hi everyone,
I started back on here about 2.5 weeks ago. I've always been heavier and want to lose weight but recently found out I also have high cholesterol.

I recently changed my diet A LOT. I've went from eating out/fast food almost every day and regularly drinking to a low cholesterol/carb/fat, 1200 calorie diet and minimal alcohol. I feel good for the most part.

The last few days though my stomach has been acting weird. I don't feel sick but I keep getting the feeling in my stomach almost like I have a hang over or have to poop. Is this normal with a big diet change?


  • whitpauly
    whitpauly Posts: 1,483 Member
    I think anytime we adjust our diet our stomach/digestion takes a bit to catch up,I always get stomach probs when trying new ways to eat
  • siobhanaoife
    siobhanaoife Posts: 150 Member
    Fiber and fat make for happier poop management. Your description of eating low cholesterol/carb/fat makes me wonder if you might want to try upping these in your diet some?
  • ShayCarver89
    ShayCarver89 Posts: 239 Member
    Absolutely. Veggies make you poop and give you the bubble guts. Especially green, leafy veggies. Fruits and veggies mess with the good bacteria in your intestines and cause you to be more gassy. Its absolutely normal.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,986 Member
    edited October 2018
    Hi everyone,
    I started back on here about 2.5 weeks ago. I've always been heavier and want to lose weight but recently found out I also have high cholesterol.

    I recently changed my diet A LOT. I've went from eating out/fast food almost every day and regularly drinking to a low cholesterol/carb/fat, 1200 calorie diet and minimal alcohol. I feel good for the most part.

    The last few days though my stomach has been acting weird. I don't feel sick but I keep getting the feeling in my stomach almost like I have a hang over or have to poop. Is this normal with a big diet change?

    Did you doctor specifically recommend low carb plus low fat? That sounds like a recipe for constipation to me.

    Maybe ask him or her for a referral to a dietitian.