I'm really struggling with how much I should be eating...

So real quick my BMR is about 1499, which puts my TDEE at 2324. (Whatever that means, i'm still new to this...)

so that puts my daily caloric goal at 1859 w/ moderate exercise of 3-4 hours a week (on average, I usually go harder).


Am I supposed to GROSS 1859 calories EVERYDAY I WORKOUT?? Or is that the net?!?

That just seems really high!! I'm confused : /


  • missmegan831
    missmegan831 Posts: 824 Member
    No since you included your exercise per week in your TDEE thats the amount of calories per day you should try to eat to meet your goal to lose weight
  • ladynocturne
    ladynocturne Posts: 865 Member
    If you use the TDEE method you would gross 1859 calories.

    If you use the MFP method, you would net close to your BMR. (eating 1499+ exercise calories)

    Either way you'd be grossing about the same amount of calories.
  • walleymama
    walleymama Posts: 174 Member
    From my understanding of this, 1859 is your total calories. That includes any exercise calories you eat back. MFP allows you to generate a report (graph) of total calories (as opposed to net calories) and your numbers should be around 1859 according to the "eat 80% of TDEE" method.
  • Fitfully_me
    Fitfully_me Posts: 647 Member
    So real quick my BMR is about 1499, which puts my TDEE at 2324. (Whatever that means, i'm still new to this...)

    so that puts my daily caloric goal at 1859 w/ moderate exercise of 3-4 hours a week (on average, I usually go harder).


    Am I supposed to GROSS 1859 calories EVERYDAY I WORKOUT?? Or is that the net?!?

    That just seems really high!! I'm confused : /

    For clarification: If you are following the TDEE -(insert% here) for weight loss, you DO NOT eat back exercise calories.

    Essentially, these calories are already accounted for when you entered your activity level, in your case 3-4 hrs/week moderate.

    ETA: this is why you see people enter 1 calorie burn for an hr of exercise. Its so their MFP calculator doesn't give them back to cals to eat for the day.
  • tamadrummer001
    tamadrummer001 Posts: 71 Member
    Personally my BMR is 2090, and then TDEE is 3450. I don't get anywhere near my TDEE. I keep my intake between 1800 and 2000.

    I am 5' 10" and 220. Regardless of what this thing says you need to be eating you know what feels right. I have a really hard time accepting that I need to be eating as much as I ate when I didn't care about cal count.

    I exercise a minimum of 45 min cardio (elliptical) daily and then a couple hundred reps of weight training. I do between 4 and 6 different weight exercises and then some ab crunches or lunges or both.

    You should probably stick to your 1500 to 1800 cals a day and get in your exercise. (I am speaking as a highly trained professional, NOT only been doing this for 29 days out of 40 years so take what I say with a grain of salt)
  • ravenrainchild
    ravenrainchild Posts: 22 Member
    Personally my BMR is 2090, and then TDEE is 3450. I don't get anywhere near my TDEE. I keep my intake between 1800 and 2000.

    I am 5' 10" and 220. Regardless of what this thing says you need to be eating you know what feels right. I have a really hard time accepting that I need to be eating as much as I ate when I didn't care about cal count.

    I exercise a minimum of 45 min cardio (elliptical) daily and then a couple hundred reps of weight training. I do between 4 and 6 different weight exercises and then some ab crunches or lunges or both.

    You should probably stick to your 1500 to 1800 cals a day and get in your exercise. (I am speaking as a highly trained professional, NOT only been doing this for 29 days out of 40 years so take what I say with a grain of salt)

    So you're saying if i'm netting anywhere from 1500-1800 i'll be fine?
  • tamadrummer001
    tamadrummer001 Posts: 71 Member
    That is what I am saying. 1500 to 1800 and exercising! The exercising is more important than the calories