Help w/ electrolytes and maintance!

So, Im sort of bummed...and confused too. I might make a community post/. Today , i was talking online with a internet friend about her battle with anorexia..I used to have that disease too, back as a teen for many years, anorexic w/ some bulimia. I have since recovered got overweight and then now for a year I have been in a normal weight range for my height (4'11 weight 100-105)Anyway, I told her how my heart has been hurting and my muscles have been sort of twitching, she directed me to some sites about electrolytes and stuff..NOW I am really confused, they said I could have too much divide your weight in 1/2 and thats how many fl oz you should have of water...thats like 50-55 for me..well that wasnt even the disturbing was that we are suppose to have 4,700mg of potassium a day...Im lucky to get 1/3 of that most of the time I noticed. And with my height and calorie allowance I dont see how..without a supplement or working out 2k a day...which I am not going to be able to consistently do. So I reached for the multi-vitamins the Health dept. gave me...( I hae no insurance right now)...NO potassium. By the way the health dept, listen to my heart complaint and did nothing, not even a check on it..they said I was fine. by checking my blood pressure, which is up from my usual. Since I have lost weight, Im cold all of the time when other people are not.So i started working out more and eating some of my calories back..Im not cold now, but I still feel some like...tightening and heart pain..I am not pushing too hard at all, I hardly ever even sweat. I dont know what to think....they said 1000k a day is fine for losing at 4ft 11inch...mines 1,100 to lose the last 5 lbs, but Ive been working out lately enough to eat around 1,200 to 1,400...I think thats very acceptable! I was eating only around 900 cals 3 days a week and then eating more on weekends, but Im trying to maintain and also be Im just working out more and eating more, thats only been the last few days of eating cals back. Im not even hungry enough to eat all of them today..I wanted to work out when I got home...but cant imagine what I would have to eat to cover the 2,500mg of potassium I need already, let alone w/ exercise. Help Im so confused by this stuff/. Maybe I should give it more time, eating my calories back and see if that remedies the problem, but still...I wont have enough potassium, and Im scared of getting too much w/ supplements and throwing my electrolytes , they said too much can be bad , or not enough. Its scary the facts about electrolyte imbalance. ( sorry for the long talk)
