bouncing back

hey everyone

just introducing myself. im a 29 year old guy from dublin. i got my heart broken 5 by my ex months ago and exercise has really helped me become me again. i am feeling good and wanna take my body to the next level.

i just starting a 6 week get toned regime. i hope to lose that stubborn belly fat and my loves handles.i would say im currently about 17% body fat. i wanna get to about 12%. i do not wanna get that bulky athlete/body builder look. i enjoy being slim and toned.

i really enjoy exercise. i love cardio and do about 45 mins medium intensity 6 days per week. and i currently do a 45 minute full body weights sessions twice a week.

my diet is high in lean protein, fish, turkey, eggs. a lot of vegetables and, healthy fats and some fruit. not a lot of carbs.

what do you guys recommend for my regime? all advice welcome. thank you.

ps i love chocolate and candy and am finding it really tough to avoid them. aieeeeeeee. help in this area is most welcome haha