Anyone else lose 100lbs and regain most of it so back here for round 2?

Hey my name's Sammi and I'm looking for friends in the same boat.
I'm 49, a mother of 5 and a newbie nana to a gorgeous granddaughter, and 2 years ago lost over 100lbs to get to a healthy goal weight but emotionally I was still attached to the weight/ wasn't ready to be a healthy sexy gal and I'm back into the 200lb+ range again.
After 10 months of getting to grips with my own particular payoffs for being overweight/not changing my habits/ not wanting to leave my comfort zone etc And also what works for me food and fitness-wise (low carb/intermittent fasting), I'm back here totally ready and committed to be the best version of myself that I can be. Please add me for mutual support and cheerleading❣


  • reflectionofme
    reflectionofme Posts: 310 Member
    I am also loosing the weight for the second time around. Lost 150 lbs about 10 years ago and sadly gained almost all of it back. Started this weightloss journey again in May.
  • Mama2Nana
    Mama2Nana Posts: 5 Member
    Do you know how/ why it happened? How's it going this time around?
  • reflectionofme
    reflectionofme Posts: 310 Member
    Well when I lost the weight the first time it was much easier in some ways. My two friends and I would go on a 10km walk everyday the kids had school, no matter the weather. My husband was out of town working so it was just the kids and I to cook for. So counting calories was pretty easy. I also did the Gazelle for an hour in the evenings on non walk days.

    I finally got to the point that I couldn't take living so far apart anymore. I wanted my family together again so the kids and I relocated 12 hours away from home to live with hubby.

    That was 9 years ago. Since then the walks, exercise and counting calories slowly stopped. Old habits came back and so did the weight:(

    This time around I decided enough was enough and I needed to get this weight off if I wanted to be able to enjoy life again. So I make a meal for the family and one for myself (sometimes I eat what they are it just depends). I tore my MCL mid June, just two weeks after starting my new lifestyle journey so I have only recently started doing the Gazzele again, about 2 weeks ago. Hopefully walks will start before too long.

    Luckily for me I am super stubborn so the eating/not eating part has been pretty easy so far. As long as I have chocolate in the house that I can eat if I want to I'm ok. There has been a Mars bar in the fridge for 5 months now, one day I'll probably eat it but for now just knowing that it is there is enough.

    Sorry for my long ramble.

    How about you?
  • Roze04Vee
    Roze04Vee Posts: 3 Member
    I had a recent mild heart attack, @Mama2Nana I am only 40 yrs old, and not too bad off the charts. But I am taking this as a sign that I M doing too much and need to concentrate on me. Together we can do this, for woman-hood. We know we can do it, we have been there. I have lost 50lbs and gained it all back. But I started a career & college and tried to balance being a military spouse and 4 kids and career and college. I lost me. Help me help you. Add me. I already eat well. I got the food down, it is just my water intake, proper protein, sleep, & exercise I have to get back on track. I worked out 1-2 hrs 5 days a week when I lost the weight. My fav was Insanity. I need to start that again. But my 3 story house makes me feel fat, so I have to go to the basement. Push me to go to the basement. Lol.
  • wizzybeth
    wizzybeth Posts: 3,578 Member
    I had 100 lbs to lose. Lost 50 in 2015. Then I stopped tracking, stopped weighing myself and went back to emotional eating.

    Between 2015 and now I regained 30. Tried to lose again but was not committed. Lost 10. Regained 30. Ruled by depression and emotional eating.

    Two weeks ago I got back on the scale and discovered I weighed more than I did when I started in 2015. At it again. Hope to be done once and for all. Will not stop tracking or weighing myself this time. Easier to lose 10 lbs than 30+.

    Good luck!