Wheat Belly?



  • PaulHalicki
    PaulHalicki Posts: 576 Member
    I think cutting wheat out of your diet even if you're not gluten intolerant can have benefits. Since so many of our bad carbs come from refined flour, cutting those carbs out essentially puts you on a low carb diet, which is very effective for *some* people, particularly those who store their fat in their bellies. (Low carb doesn't work so well if you store fat in your hips.)
  • PaulHalicki
    PaulHalicki Posts: 576 Member
    Well, I am living proof-I stopped the wheat and within 3-4 days was able to take off my brace and have had no pain for over a week. Yesterday, I cheated, had macaroni salad & a hot dog roll along with a few other picnic foods and again-thumb/wrist are throbbing.
    My wife has fibromyalgia and there are several food triggers that, if she eats those foods, aggravate various aches and pains. She cut out red meat, then poultry, then she found that cutting eggplant and tomatoes helped, and most recently she's found that broccoli is a trigger. It may be that you are gluten intolerant, but it may also be one of several things that might aggravate your system. If the pain comes back, you may try cutting other foods to see what happens.
  • maillemaker
    maillemaker Posts: 1,253 Member
    My husband lost 30 lbs when he went gluten free..not cause he has a gluten intolerance, but because so many of the foods containing gluten are processed, fiber poor and higher calorie.


    For most people, there is no health reason to not eat bread, in so far that there is nothing in the chemical composition of bread that is going to hurt you.

    You can lose weight eating bread just like you can lose weight eating Twinkies, so long as you maintain a calorie deficit.

    The trick is, bread is yummy and calorie-dense. So you are going to have to have the willpower to eat it in moderation. On top of this, you will get a blood sugar spike and crash from eating it, which can lead to feelings of hunger which you will have to fight.

    If you've got the willpower to eat bread and maintain a calorie deficit, go for it!

    If not, cutting out the calorie-dense tempting foods can make it easier to stick to a calorie deficit.