I don't know if I can do this!



  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,023 Member
    Don't look at the long road. It can be good to think of your longterm goal from time to time, but it can be a huge mind obstacle to get past. Set small goals and celebrate (not with food) when you achieve them. A new magazine or hire a DVD you haven't seen can be great rewards.

    It sounds like you are worried about sticking to healthy eating so my advice is to set yourself a day's goal - whether that be to cut down sugar or to keep within calorie limits. Choose something and do it. When you achieve it, keep it up until it's a habit that you don't even think about. Add a new goal when appropriate. Say in a week if you've kept to keeping within calories, then tackle the next bad eating habit. Trying to change everything at once can be too hard to stick to, so work at changing what you can.

    If you slip and have an off day/meal, don't panic and don't give up. Every healthy choice you make is making you healthier and if you make more healthy choices than bad ones, you are winning.

    Best wishes for your journey.

    I agree break it into small doable goals and most importantly just eat healthy and just get in at least 20 mins of exercise a day. I had to just hreak it up into 10 lb goals and rewarded myself with a new pair of earrings for every 10lbs, but seriously you look great now
  • curly1980
    curly1980 Posts: 117 Member
    I wake up every morning and just think to myself "let's get through today" if I go to bed that night knowing I've hit my calorie goals and I've done my bit of exercise then I'm happy. I wake up the next day and do it all over again.

    Knowing how much I have to lose and how much work at the gym it will take daunts me and the pressure I put on myself will make me fail. I know this because that's why I still weigh what I weigh so I've changed how I think and instead of thinking omg I have 50lbs to lose I try and focus on one day at a time. I now wake up happy every morning knowing I've had a success the previous day. I've stopped weighing myself everyday so I don't get disappointed and give up.

    It's a mindset and its a lot easier to think why should I bother especially when everyone around me says they love me how I am now. It's hard and it takes determination and a little bit of thought tweaking.

    I'm only just starting out on this committing fully so I'm no expert but wanted to share and let you know you're supported.