Annoyed with progress :((



  • ChellieIrish
    ChellieIrish Posts: 593 Member
    Dunno if this has already been said becuase I didn't read the whole thread, but one diet book I have (the fat-fighter diet.. its fantastic!) says that every 5th day you should eat the amount of calories you would need to *maintain* your weight.So for me thats about 2100, but my daily goal is 1200. So every 5th day jack up your calorie intake, to trick your body out of "starvation mode" - storing calories as fat. It keeps your metabolism going!

    Thanks sorry I missed this before :blushing: I'd never heard that before thanks for sharing :flowerforyou:
  • ChellieIrish
    ChellieIrish Posts: 593 Member
    OK I am even more pissed off today I upped my cals to 1360 which was supposed to be aiming for a loss of 1 lb per week as recommended by MFP :grumble: I also added more exercize to my week

    I am UP 1.5 lbs this morning what gives :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad:
  • Ashli333
    Ashli333 Posts: 16
    I dont know if this helps, but I've heard quite a fe times that treat days are good for 2 reasons...

    1, You get to have what you want and if you dont have these days you will end up bingeing massively

    2, you trick your body into thinking that your gonna start eating loads again, and it starts to work a bit harder to burn those extra calories, and will continue to do that for a few days, therefore burning more calories even on the good days. If you dont have treat days or dont change your calorie intake every few days (just 50 less here, and 50 more there) your body gets used to what your taking in and burns only the calories it thinks it needs to.

    Hope that makes sense....

    Keep up the good work. Your still losing weight and thats the main thing!!!
  • sifu33
    sifu33 Posts: 34
    stay positive, i put on a lb this week but lost 1-2" thats the hidden loss, so keep up the gud work, dont focus on the lbs or inches but think about how gud u are all beginning to feel and how you know this is the right thing for you. Nothin wrong with monitorin what u eat and how u exercise that can only be gud for your life so stay off treats, focus on health, thats a better goal.
  • thumper44
    thumper44 Posts: 1,464 Member
    OK I am even more pissed off today I upped my cals to 1360 which was supposed to be aiming for a loss of 1 lb per week as recommended by MFP :grumble: I also added more exercize to my week

    I am UP 1.5 lbs this morning what gives :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad:

    You didn't gain 1.5 lbs by upping calories to 1360. People fluctuate every day, and throughout the day by +/- 3 lbs.
    Upping calories also doesn't mean you should be allowed to have an extra chocolate bar :wink:

    Your eating daily chocolate bars with caramel, crumpets, scones and lots of coffee. Doesn't sound very healthy
    Where's your fruit and vegetables?

    You should also change your column from Sat fat to Fat. You are not seeing the other fats,
    ie the fat that's in the almonds you ate.

    Slowly tweaking it and you'll get there.
  • JStarnes
    JStarnes Posts: 5,576 Member
    I also added more exercize to my week
    This is probably what caused part of the gain. Something about muscles retaining water after being worked more than normal...someone will chime in & explain it better, I'm sure.

    Don't give up!:flowerforyou: