Just found out I’m predibetic

Anyone have any suggestions?? I also need 25 to 30 gram fiber in my daily diet for other issues.


  • MelanieCN77
    MelanieCN77 Posts: 4,047 Member
    What did your health care provider suggest? What is your goal?
  • 2baninja
    2baninja Posts: 515 Member
    When I was told I was predibetic, my Dr told me to stay away from carb heavy food.. bread, pasta, candy, rice, corn. Eat more fruits and veggys. I lost 30 pounds, had my blood work done, and my levels are just barely in the predi. level, they came down nicely. I was eating well and exercising. I admit, I've fallen off the wagon as of late, but I have not regained anything.
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,141 Member
    Make sure you're actually pre-diabetic and it's not a testing problem. I was told I'm pre-diabetic because my glucose number was 6 instead of my normal 3. Glucose was high because I was told I didn't need to fast for ferritin and CBC blood tests, so I ate food thus my high glucose number.

    Talk to your GP about what to do and a referral to a diabetic dietitian (I think that's what they're called).
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,138 Member
    If you go to Diabetes.org there are meal plans, and all kinds of info.

    I eat pretty much the recommended diabetes food plan and I don't have diabetes (or pre.)

    Fiber: lots of whole vegetables, a couple pieces of fruit max, some almonds, whole grains. I easily hit my 25-30. You can also buy Metamucil or other fiber supplements.
  • Packerjohn
    Packerjohn Posts: 4,855 Member
    lucys1225 wrote: »
    My husband was diagnosed diabetic (the previous year he was pre-diabetic) and she wanted to put him on medication. He declined the medication and he started to eat the way I do (no added sugar or grains and lots of vegetables). After three months he got retested and his levels were all normal. He also lost 15 pounds.

    Amazing what appropriate dietary changes can do.

    Good for him.
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    There are many steps you can take that will be helpful. Lose body fat. Increase the amount and intensity of exercise. Increase fiber. Lower starchy carbs (not necessary to go keto to see benefits). Intermittent fasting.

    All these things can help but the single most important one for most people that are preD is lower body fat. I was in the same position 5 years ago. I did everything listed above. My BG and A1c are in the ideal range today.
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    The ADA plate visualization was the most useful tool for me starting out.


    Luckily your fiber goals fit in nicely with your diabetic goals. Half your plate will be vegetables.
  • shaumom
    shaumom Posts: 1,003 Member
    Aside from the regular suggestions (dietary changes, weight changes if overweight, etc...)
    1. You might want to check out adding some mesquite flour, agave, and/or prickly pear fruits or nopalitos to your diet. These are all foods found in the sonoran desert. There is a huge problem with diabetes on the reservations, and some research into it found that many desert foods (sonoran) seem to have an effect on glucose levels in the blood. Seem to level it out a bit (so folks stop eating native plants that they grew up with and start Standard american diet, and start having problems, is one theory). There is some evidence suggestive of these foods potentially hepling if you are pre-diabetic or even diabetic. Not a cure-all, but might be helpful, anyway.

    2. When it comes to foods an what they are supposed to do to your blood sugar levels (might make them spike, etc...), trust but verify. One study in Israel found that when you are studying individuals, while there ARE some averages, sometimes, people's bodies do not react the way they would predict. Not simply 'this person's blood has glucose spikes less than expected on X food,' but even 'this person's glucose levels dropped with X food, instead of spiking like everyone else.'

    Their conclusion from the study was that people are a lot more individual in this area than we had thought, and that people might do better, eventually, to have more individualized dietary requirements, when we have the tech. But for now... just, if a food makes you feel terrible, even if it's supposed to be good, or vice versa, it's a good idea to listen to your body as well as generalized medical advice, if that makes sense?

    3. While it is not common yet as a matter of course, you may want to get tested for celiac disease and hypothyroidism, if you haven't yet (thyroid may be common, celiac testing usually is not). Diabetes plus these are more commonly found together, but can 1) mask symptoms of the other if you have more than one and 2) can make symptoms from the others worse.

    I was having worse and worse thyroid readings - if there was such a thing as 'pre-thyroid' that was me. But then tested positive for celiac disease and started treatment and bam, thyroid readings dropped back down to normal. I have heard similar stories from those with pre-diabetic issues....although obviously only if one HAS celiac disease. But as the disease can present with no symptoms other than fatigue, in many cases, it can be worth the check, if you have insurance.
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    edited November 2018
    johnwelk wrote: »
    nvmomketo wrote: »
    I recommend the book Dr Bernstein's Diabetes Solution. He is a doctor who has T1D, and invented home BG testing. His plan is low carb and designed to limited BG rises and insulin spikes. Great book. Dr Richard Bernstein has some good youtube videos too.
    Wrong, he was an early advocate of home glucose monitoring. Being an advocate is a far cry from being an inventor.

    Bernstein managed to get his hands on a glucose monitor that the hospitals were using to test for DKA as opposed to drunkenness back in 1969. There were no home BG tests back then. He invented self testing before there were any home tests. He discovered that his BG control was WAY better when he really limited carbs and tried to publish, but he was "only" an engineer so medical journals would not publish him. He then went to medical school and has been a leader in the field ever since.
    johnwelk wrote: »
    Fung's Obesity Code or Diabetes Code is another low carb plan with the goal to lower BG and insulin, but he also uses fasting. It's been shown to work for many with T2D
    Would love to see some evidence for this. And, no, not a one-side cherry picked book or a 3 person case series. Something like a peer reviewed journal article.

    You know what else has been shown to work for many with T2D? Weight loss. Regardless of how they lost weight.

    Well yes. Weight loss does usually work too. I didn't say it that it did not.

    You don't want his books and clinical experiences, or his externally peer-reviewed published case studies. Okay.

    This did come up on a quick pubmed search:

    "Results reveal superior decreases in body weight by CR vs IF/ADF regimens, yet comparable reductions in visceral fat mass, fasting insulin, and insulin resistance."

    But neither fasting nor calorie restriction had great long term results in this article.

    Hallberg et al. have recently published their T2D reversal study (1-2 years) results using a LCHF diet. No fasting though so not completely in line with Fung's thought on how IF improves IR. It does show that dietary changes can reverse T2D.
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    Lose 10 lb and start wiring out 3x week. You're right to get handle on this now!
  • wlkwnature
    wlkwnature Posts: 4 Member
    I was also recently diagnosed with prediabetes. I had an appointment with a registered dietician this week. She recommended I lose 17 pounds (I recently did lose 6). Carb serving reduction is also important. One serving is 15grams. I used to eat a bagel with cream cheese everyday for breakfast, but after learning a bagel is 4 SERVINGS, I will no longer eat those :smile:
  • rsclause
    rsclause Posts: 3,103 Member
    I vote for exploring LCHF or Keto but that is no surprise here. Start doing your own research because basing your future heath on a bunch of yappers in an MPF forum battling the same arguments and mis-representing each others most trivial minute word choices is going to waste your time. Bottom line just start doing something positive now.
  • dsboohead
    dsboohead Posts: 1,899 Member
    Weight loss is key to control diabetes at any stage.
    I am T1 diabetic and weight loss controls it with as little insulin as can be managed.
    Diabetic tendencies never go away but manageable and up to you with diet...exercise.....weight loss and meds if need be.
    Hi fiber low carb foods are key too. I like the low glycemic call on foods.