Egg free, Chicken free, yeast free (as much as possible)



  • MeraiahB
    MeraiahB Posts: 40 Member
    thats not what I said and that is not what the thread is about
  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    CharlieBeansmomTracey Posts: 7,682 Member
    MeraiahB wrote: »
    I am a nurse as well and just because some extreme cases went to ICU does not mean it is not accurate. Antibiotics are a big cause of yeast infections and overgrowth as well as deficient immune systems. If is is not a "real thing" then Doctors would not treat it and insurances would not pay for treatment. Many overweight people end up with yeast infections in skin folds and heavy chested women get it under their breast ,some are more prone than others even keeping the areas clean daily. Heat and moisture are the growth factors as well as excessive yeast on and in the body and altered immune systems .

    there are some medical references, there are many more but this is not what the thread is about , I did not make it to argue with people but to help people finding FOOD they can eat when on a restricted diet. Please respect that. if you want to argue medical points about yeast overgrowth start another thread please. This is not the place.

    This is for people that have been told by a medical professional to restrict their diet or those that are trying it to see if they will feel better to find good stuff to eat and enjoy

    Now if you want a milkshake put 1 cup unsweetened Almond milk in a mixer add 4 oz frozen berries and some stevia and blend. Have a sweet treat to perk up the middle of the week!

    I dont know if you are talking to me or not but I dont see anywhere where I was arguing any medical points,if you were. . I was saying that for me my medication caused my yeast issues.I dont see where anyone said that they cannot be extreme cases I certainly did not.
  • Cbean08
    Cbean08 Posts: 1,092 Member
    MeraiahB wrote: »
    thats not what I said and that is not what the thread is about

    Okay, but this is the internet. If you post something with little to no scientific/medical evidence, someone is going to challenge it. There is no need to spread information with just one side of the story. For example, if I posted a thread claiming that sugar is the leading cause of cancer and we should all eat more Stevia based on the 3 studies done by "doctors" who are investors in the Stevia company but I don't include any of that information, then I am deceiving others. People deserve to get all the information so they can formulate their own opinion.
  • Maxxitt
    Maxxitt Posts: 1,281 Member
    MeraiahB wrote: »
    I eat high protein so lots of meat but have to be picky with veggies and fruits as they have to be really fresh because the older they are the more likely they are to have more yeasts on them.

    The only fish I really like can't get around here , makes me miss Alaska, lol I used to catch Halibut myself and stock my upright freezer every year. Thousands of dollars worth of fish for virtually nothing.But I eat shrimp regularly now.

    Frozen fruit and vegetables might be the safest as well as most affordable. They're flash frozen at harvest and don't spent days/weeks in transport and storage. Sounds like you have the protein part covered.

  • MeraiahB
    MeraiahB Posts: 40 Member
    What are your favorite recipes that are with in these limitations?
  • Safari_Gal
    Safari_Gal Posts: 888 Member
    I make a lot of Bouillabaisse and ratatouille.

    :) Two of my fav dishes.
    Ratatouille with end of season fresh vegetables - awesome. Fresh herbs as well.

    Bouillabaisse with your choice of fish - also great.

    Bon appetit!