Goodies at work



  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,967 Member
    edited November 2018
    Yes I struggle especially when someone brings in donuts or bagels :# If someone does, I'll eat that donut or bagel but just skip my mid morning snack. It's usually more than my snack would have been but it helps. 99% of the time someone brings in donuts they are from this really amazing donut shop nearby, so... I HAVE to have one. Lol.
  • jrhnewfirstday
    jrhnewfirstday Posts: 8 Member
    I am the secretary at an elementary school and my office is right next to the staff break room. There is often food left in there after parties or other events. Until I can get a handle on it, my personal rule is not so much that I'm cutting off a food group but instead a food location -- nothing from the break room. The one exception is actual parties for the whole staff where food was brought specifically for the party, and then I'll only eat homemade stuff that looks really worth it. If it was bought at and presented in the box from the grocery store, then it it isn't worth it to me.
  • GratefulWayFarer
    GratefulWayFarer Posts: 61 Member
    That's why I bring peanuts, almonds, pecans, Brazil nuts, etc to work instead :)