Snacking problem

I have come to the realization that I have a terrible snacking problem. Somedays ( sadly most) my snacks contain hundreds of more calories than my meals! I need a support system and motivation to stop. Also, my doctor told me to only eat whole and natural foods ( I. E no processed/ sweets). Anyone I could follow for support? Thianks. Any help is greatly appreciated!


  • MinMin97
    MinMin97 Posts: 2,674 Member
    I used to think I snacked (ate too many unplanned calories) because I was bored/stressed.
    But now I realize I eat when frustrated!
    WHY do you snack?
  • MAvila66
    MAvila66 Posts: 13 Member
    Almonds, Edamame beans, walnuts etc.. Along with a lot of water. Be careful with the salt content...
  • siriuslestrange1
    siriuslestrange1 Posts: 74 Member
    completely feel you on this one! I'm a snacking fiend! I also had an issue getting enough protein in my daily diet. I found the answer to both problems came together: high protein snacks! My nightly snack is now the same as my breakfast (greek yogurt, fruit, protein powder and a little bit of kashi cereal), only comes to 254 calories, is YUMMY and fills me until bedtime.

    I, personally, find myself craving snack foods (specificaly the food that we put in the "snack" category, like chips and such) when I'm bored. It is important to think about if your snacking is connected to an emotion. It isn't always the case, but it turns out to be most of the time.

    Hope this helps! Feel free to add me as a friend, if you'd like. I log every day and I usually log the ingredients to my meals, not just a recipe name, so maybe you can get some ideas too?
  • yarneycat
    yarneycat Posts: 11 Member
    I'll hear you! Working really long hours means a lot of snacking for me. Edamame is a good replacement, but for me, my bigger struggle is to just stop snacking as much. To move past replacement and to curb the snacking altogether. Suggestions there?
  • Thanks for the advice. I really need to stop the mindless eating because I always feel depressed and upset after. I generally avoid meat so I should probably me more aware of my protein intake.
  • marilynx
    marilynx Posts: 128 Member
    Maybe you're not eating enough? I find if you don't eat enough you'll snack. Or if you're generally full after a meal, maybe you need to focus on building your willpower up.
  • yarneycat
    yarneycat Posts: 11 Member
    Hear you there! The first 30 lbs I lost, I just aimed to eat about 1/3 less each time. The guilt of snacking always got me afterward, too.
  • guessrs
    guessrs Posts: 358 Member
    Grapes, blueberries, cut up apples, strawberries, baby carrots, prep before hand so they are handy when the craving starts. These do wonders for me between lunch and dinner time. Key is to plan ahead.
  • Michielynn222
    Michielynn222 Posts: 81 Member
    Munch on cucumbers, celery, cherry tomatoes and other garden veggies. Most have basically no calories, and you can eat until you are stuffed and barely make a dent in your calorie intake :)
  • 13suzie
    13suzie Posts: 349 Member
    My log is filled with the strangest snack....dried figs! I habitually open our refrigerator and take great pride in reaching for a cold, dried fig (as opposed to everything else in the cold treasure chest). The figs get hard and chewy when they are cold. When you eat them, they have a little gritty crunch too from the seeds. Anyhow, this works for me. I enjoy them but I don't crave them. They satisfy the snacky thing without setting off a sugar train (which always ends in a wreck). I usually eat one and it does the trick.

    I buy trucco brand figs from whole foods. I don't like most other brands for some reason. These are winners. Anyhow, they are sold in the fruit section (near berries at my store) and appear to be packaged as a wheel in plastic wrap. (Diameter of package is like 6".)

    1 trucco fig = 9 grams = ~20 cals
  • katpatoneill
    katpatoneill Posts: 56 Member
    I'm a huuuuuge snacker- to the point that my food diary is now not organized by "meals" but by times of the day, since I notice EVERYTHING I eat is really a snack, or a small amount of food or something that really wasn't a meal. Maybe you should just do away with meals and have just loads of snacks during the day? That's kinda what I do. Every few hours I just have a hundred calories of something healthy and it gets me contented until my next little snack.

    As for what sort of foods to "Snack" on- it really depends. I've somehow magically grown some sort of self-control that I can have a quarter of a muffin then put the rest away. I kinda just imagine how good it will be later. But, since some people would have to finish off the whole thing, I actually recommend just ziplocking some carrots or another low calorie snack. I intersperse some fun foods, like my muffin, in between snacks of fruit and veggies.

    ...I really don't know if my system is very "healthy", time-wise. I feel fine, and I've heard WHEN you eat doesn't really matter as long as you are eating healthy, but either way it works for me so far- I'll stick to it. :)

    Good luck!
  • Skrib69
    Skrib69 Posts: 687 Member
    Subscribe to Graze and sign up for the Light plan. I am on the road all day every day and it keeps me out of the garage and off the chocolate and potato chips/crisps etcetera
  • Definitely going to try this! Thanks!
  • Lemmynade
    Lemmynade Posts: 160 Member
    Feel free to follow me... I'm not perfect at the non-processed stuff, but I make almost everything I eat from meats and veggies I find at my farmer's market (which is very conveniently next door!). I love to cook, so ask about any recipe you see, I'm happy to share!!!

  • cagefan
    cagefan Posts: 194 Member
    I am thee WORST midnight munchies monster!! its like I get up and raid the fridge, I have been told to oh just drink water - yeah NO that doesn't cut it !
  • amyfliesalot
    amyfliesalot Posts: 51 Member
    Unfortunately, I feel your pain. I'm trying to just not have bad stuff in the house, but even good things can be bad when you eat the whole box (like low-fat Triscuits). When I have time, I portion out my Triscuits (or whatever) into baggies so I'm more aware of how much I'm eating. Be sure to take the time to wash and cut up veggies and have fruit in the house so that those will be readily available for snacks. And the flavored Greek yogurts are good, high protein, and even better if you add some fresh fruit to it (I need to chew something, so that helps me).

    Good luck, and feel free to "friend" me.

  • qtgonewild
    qtgonewild Posts: 1,930 Member
    I have a huge bag full of snacks. pistachios, pretzels, chex mix, 90. calorie bars & other stuff, cheese nips, already in Ziploc snack bags that I've already portioned out. so if I want a snack I go into my Goodie bag and grab one. same thing with when I leave for work, I grab a couple. and also keep a couple in the car just in case.
  • I am a BAD snacker too, so I totally understand! If you take a look back through my first days logging on MFP (about 3-4 weeks ago) you can see how bad it was. Just be aware and make sure that when you are snacking you are making healthy choices. I have gotten much better just by tracking things and trying to fill up more at meals. You can do this!
  • Also forgot to mention that my favorite place for recipes is Everything is healthy and made from scratch and I haven't had a recipe I didn't like. You might check it out. :)
  • tatd_820
    tatd_820 Posts: 573 Member
    Im snacker too, Mostly, late night. When losing, I'd try to at least make my snacking healthy choices. Apple with peanut butter, string cheese, peanuts, yogurt, edamame, crackers and hummus.....