Broken arm; already gaining

Last Sunday I was thrown from a horse and broke my humerus.

I went from having a highly physical job at the farm (burning upwards of 800cals a day) running, riding and yoga in my spare time, to basically bed rest.

It's been just over a week and I've already gained around 6lbs. I've always been an easy gainer (2 weeks to lose 2lbs, 1 week I can easily gain 5+ which is nice if we are ever in a post apocalyptic survival situation)

I'm going to have to really keep track of my nutrition in order to keep losing...or even just maintain.

I've never had buddies on here but I'd love to add a few people who track religiously to keep me motivated.


  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,049 Member
    If you've logged food before, you should know your maintenance calories.

    I would eat at maintenance while healing. The body needs nutrients to heal broken bones.

    Right now part of that weight will be water/inflammation. Give it time.

    I hope you stuck your tongue out at that horse. ::hug::
  • InAPairOfChucks
    InAPairOfChucks Posts: 23 Member
    Breaking your humerus is no laughing matter; just keep tracking and eat at maintenance. Don't worry about losing while you're healing from an injury.
  • wyattderp
    wyattderp Posts: 4 Member
    Oh I didn't even think of eating at maintenance. That makes so much sense.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,871 Member
    6 Lbs in a week is largely inflammation, not fat. It would be mathematically very difficult to gain 6 Lbs of actual fat in a weeks you'd know it because you'd be stuffing your face at 21,000 calories over maintenance.
  • wyattderp
    wyattderp Posts: 4 Member
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    6 Lbs in a week is largely inflammation, not fat. It would be mathematically very difficult to gain 6 Lbs of actual fat in a weeks you'd know it because you'd be stuffing your face at 21,000 calories over maintenance.
    Thanks, I thought I was some genetic freak or something. I definitely was not eating that much!!!