Come Back and Starting Over


Here I am! I moved into my new apartment about three months ago and said to myself, I'm not going to get internet because I spend too much time on it doing nothing constructive. Well, after plugging in my computer, I realized that I had myfitnesspal from maybe a year ago and had not been on it for that long, I thought, maybe I'll check it out and see if it's something worth keeping. It is a good website, with free food calculators and blogs and communities I never looked into. Well, here I am! I think I will invest in a scale, too, and start keeping track of my newly learned whole-food, plant-based diet. I'm not sure I can keep it up because the new way of eating is so different, and I have very little support, on top of everything else, I'll be looking for a job in I don't know what field. But blogging and self-report with possibilities that I will make new friends seem encouraging. So, here I go.... please comment!6zqvyljnr8by.jpg
