Why do I look better after I quit working out?

I used to lift weights 3x a week for a year but quit because of lack of progress and because I started working a crappy overnight job. I've been eating and sleeping like crap for the last 3 months and haven't been doing any exercise but lately I started to notice I look better than I ever have before. Why would that be? Delayed onset of gains? Perhaps my bad eating and sleeping habits have caused my body to lose fat around the chest and arms while maintaining muscle? I thought I would have noticed significant muscle loss by now but it's the opposite.


  • robthephotog
    robthephotog Posts: 81 Member
    Without knowing your lifting routine, eating habits, enviromental affectors, body composition, size, height, weight, etc who knows. Are you eating in a deficit now? How about protein intake? When you say crappy habits do you mean 2 hrs or 6?