It's official: I'm an old man



  • Cutemesoon
    Cutemesoon Posts: 2,646 Member

    If I'm bulking I definitely won't say no to a buffet. Live in a townhome, no lawn. I get irritated when someone parks in my spot. I

    Also I'm kinda barely still in my 20s. I'm 29.

    This explains everything! You're not old. You're just at the age where u realize what ur priorities are. That & you no longer have time for any BS!
  • Hamsibian
    Hamsibian Posts: 1,388 Member
    Hamsibian wrote: »
    Now that I'm 31, I am more versatile - Columbo and Golden Girls.

    This made me laugh - mainly because I happen to be sat here with the Columbo box set on my lap wondering which one to watch next!

    Hahaha which one did you decide on? Have you ever watched Midsomer Murders? It's a great Masterpiece Mysteries detective show. I binged watched 15 seasons in 2 weeks. :D
  • CaptainFantastic01
    CaptainFantastic01 Posts: 9,558 Member
    I can top that. Last night I went on a date and she came over after and I fell asleep watching a movie. So
  • iMago
    iMago Posts: 8,714 Member
    I can top that. Last night I went on a date and she came over after and I fell asleep watching a movie. So

    you can still salvage it.
  • CaptainFantastic01
    CaptainFantastic01 Posts: 9,558 Member
    I can top that. Last night I went on a date and she came over after and I fell asleep watching a movie. So

    :D Did she just leave, and you woke up and she was gone?
    Show woke me up and was like "I'm gonna go" I was like "Ok you got it"
    iMago wrote: »
    I can top that. Last night I went on a date and she came over after and I fell asleep watching a movie. So

    you can still salvage it.

    meh, it's ok
  • CaptainFantastic01
    CaptainFantastic01 Posts: 9,558 Member
    I can top that. Last night I went on a date and she came over after and I fell asleep watching a movie. So

    :D Did she just leave, and you woke up and she was gone?
    Show woke me up and was like "I'm gonna go" I was like "Ok you got it"
    iMago wrote: »
    I can top that. Last night I went on a date and she came over after and I fell asleep watching a movie. So

    you can still salvage it.

    meh, it's ok

    Did you like her?

    Judging by the “you got it”
    I’m not certain.

    I didn't really know what else to do. She seemed really nervous and so we didn't talk a lot. maybe not a good match
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    edited November 2018
    Tonight I went to a concert my cousin was playing at a bar, stayed only for his set, drank nothing but water, and left at 10:30 because I wanted to have my bedtime meal at 11, and I get up at 7 to go to the grocery store and the gym.

    I'm still in my 20s.

    You're confusing responsibility with age. And...still in your 20's? I've got ear wax older than you. I'm 64 racing towards 65 and retirement.
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,426 Member
    Lounmoun wrote: »
    Tonight I went to a concert my cousin was playing at a bar, stayed only for his set, drank nothing but water, and left at 10:30 because I wanted to have my bedtime meal at 11, and I get up at 7 to go to the grocery store and the gym.

    I'm still in my 20s.

    You sound like someone who has transitioned to adulthood but not old age.

    Have you found yourself more drawn to buffets? Are you starting to obsess about your lawn, where your neighbors are parked or the weather? Did you think the music was too loud? Any trouble using technology? How many times do you wake up to pee during the night?

    If I'm bulking I definitely won't say no to a buffet. Live in a townhome, no lawn. I get irritated when someone parks in my spot. I definitely watch the weather for my outdoor activities. My roomates music is too loud sometimes. I've always been a luddite with technology - I prefer a pen and paper for workout logs and grocery lists. I do pee at least once a night because I drink a gallon + water throughout the day.

    LMAO I'm just kidding...kind of.

    Also I'm kinda barely still in my 20s. I'm 29.

    Not old.

    Old people like a buffet not because they are bulking but perception that it is a deal.
    They think about people parking wrong all over the place not just being irritated with someone taking their assigned spot.
    You'd be concerned about the lawn care of the place you live even if someone else takes care of it.
    You'd have a rain gauge and talk about it even if you did not go anywhere. You would watch the weather report religously. You would want to know how much rain or snow someone else had gotten too.
    All music is too loud except the music you blare.
    You have to get up and pee at night no matter how much you drink.
    Your computer breaks or gets a virus just by you looking at it. You don't know how to text, reset your clock and the remote control has too many buttons you can not figure out. A teenager has to grudgingly try to explain things to you. It is not a preference for low tech things.

    (Not all older people are like this but I know people who are.)
  • RastaLousGirl
    RastaLousGirl Posts: 2,119 Member
    Funny! When my now toddler was 2 months old, my baby sister watched her while my husband and I went on our first date night since we had her. I surprised him with tickets to see his favorite band. We got there early and left after maybe two songs after his fav. band started. I have never left a concert early..never. until that day.
  • Hamsibian
    Hamsibian Posts: 1,388 Member
    I'm only 31. Soon to be 32 and I'm already an old lady. I'm just morphing into a pensioner.

    I need to plan a trip to Ibiza or something 'zany' to avoid full OAP hood.

    I'll be 32 in March, and down for a zany extravaganza!